
Monday, July 30, 2018

A Longer Than Planned Weekend - Trip Out Of Town

I am so sorry. I thought I would be posting about my trip today but being so tired made me do some research and I actually drove to a bigger city this weekend to get some testing done.

 I don't know that they will find anything but I got home last night about 11 p.m. and Princess Four and Five moved home from their summer job and arrived home near 1 a.m. and I had a full day today and as I was getting ready to blog, I had one of the girls asking me for help with a friend and so I ended up talking to her and giving her friend some advice until well near 2 a.m. and it is now 2:30 a.m. and my teeth are hurting and I am SO tired. So, the post you were going to get about my trip has turned into a short post of a jewelry sorting video. I have such slow internet it took over 10 hours to upload this one hour video so somehow in the listing, I had it marked private until I had time to edit the description etc and somehow it posted with no title or description. 

Sorry for my issues posting this past week and uploading. Obviously, I am super tired and out of it to have two problems this week.... I hope I start feeling better soon! 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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