
Thursday, July 26, 2018

My Recovery AFTER My Vacation - SO TIRED

As you know, I was on a vacation and posted ahead for the past two weeks.... I didn't remember what day I finished blogging on and I hopped on my computer last night for the first time in two weeks and saw that I had a post for yesterday but in my exhaustion, I forgot to check if I had one posted for today.

Princess One called me mid morning while I was still sleeping, letting me know I didn't have a post up for today.  I am not sure what happened but the last day of my vacation, I had a sort throat and on the planes on the ride home, I had a sore throat. I think I must have caught something and it hit me hard. 

I have never been so tied driving home as I was the day we arrived home. Both our flights were bumped and delayed several times each, by the time we took the shuttle to get one car and stopped at a family members to pick up my car, it was really late. I still had to drop one of the girls off at her house in another town before heading home. 

I was so tired that I was chewing ice and drinking really HOT(burned my tongue for a few days hot) chocolate intermittently trying to stay awake to get home. I probably should have stayed at someone place that night but I wanted to get home and sleep in a comfortable bed after two weeks on the road. I also wanted to see Princess four and five in the morning before they left for a job interview and headed back to work in another town so I pushed through and left everything in the car and just showered and climbed into bed. I was SO tired. 

I got up at ten and visited with the girls for a few hours and then they left for the interview and to head back to work and I took a nap. I woke in the evening and was so tired I didn't pull out my computer, I ate something, unpacked, threw in my laundry and climbed into bed and was asleep about 10:30. 

I woke at 12:30 the next morning, went to buy groceries, mail a bill, purchase some NAC which I ran out of on my trip (check out my yellow eyes, iodine and NAC video and post on this amino acid and how it helps clear up my fatty liver and yellow eyes) I returned home so tired that I finished up my laundry and got my computer out only because I knew I had emails to reply to but was so tired I didn't check my blog to see if I had a post for today and didn't do anything other than check email. 

I was in bed by 11ish and woke up to a call this morning about 11 a.m. I took some zinc today along with LOTS of vitamin C as I am still super tired and dragging. I ran a few more errands today but can't seem to feel good enough to get much done. I have a broken sprinkler head in the yard and can't muster the energy to go and dig it up. 

I am excited to share my wonderful trip with you but I need to "wake up" as I am so tired and dragging. It is hot out, but I think it is some illness I am fighting as it is more than just heat as I can hardly function. I hope I feel better soon. I have so much to share with you~ 

For now, just enjoy these fun pictures and I hope to feel better and post more but you will probably be getting a "treasure bag" video tomorrow as I am posting this for today at 7 p.m. and don't think I will magically feel better in a few hours to post much else. 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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