
Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Short Post On Why I Have ONE Youtube Channel and Another Jewelry Sorting Video

Hello all you patient and busy people. I appreciate that people are understanding about my busy schedule and vacation and hope everyone just enjoys watching these Treasure hunting videos that I have made over the past few weeks. 

I wish I could make different channels where I could post parasite stuff on one, family history stuff on another, jewelry sorting on another, dehydrated on another and health stuff on another as I have people that watch my channel for all those type of things and even my "how to fix" videos get lots of views. I just don't have the time and now youtube has changed their policies on advertising and views to each video so if I tried to make all those into different channels, I wouldn't have enough views on any of the channels to get advertising and the advertising paid for my new camera and now covers my internet each month so I will just be continuing to post on my one channel for those reasons! 

I hope you are all enjoying your summer and taking time to enjoy your family! Have a Blessed Day!

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