
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Going on a Trip - Sorting Jewelry Before I go so You Can Have a Post

I shared that I am going on a trip and needed to post my blogs before I go. I have been on my computer all day posting all these posts and trying to clean off my SD cards. I can't believe how many hours it takes to clean off my SD cards.

I haven't cleaned out even two files on the first SD card as I have been posting all the stuff on them. I shared in the past how I take lots of pictures and videos and I realized today that it is usually when I have been traveling and then when I get back, I get busy in my life and just start blogging what was current when I get home and realized that I don't ever post the vacation stuff. 

I know I am annoying my followers on my channel as I have had to post all my videos today as blogger won't allow me to link to videos that are not currently posted. I tried to schedule the videos to post the night before the blog posts but it won't allow me to do that so I have had to post all the videos I was uploading to post while I was gone. 

As I suspected, I have lost a few subscribers due to the amount of videos uploaded today but it is what it is. I didn't want to miss posting as I never seem to catch up on things when I stop, things tend to pile on so I hate getting behind on things. 

I hope that you enjoy the videos and if not, just skip it for the next few days as I am posting sorting jewelry videos so I hope you are enjoying your summer! 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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