
Monday, July 23, 2018

My Talented Fiber Girl - Princess One

I shared in my last post how Princess One is into doing natural fiber crafts such as crochet, spinning, weaving, and felting. 

She started out by crocheting after she returned home from her mission. She then got married and made up her own patterns crocheting fun baby clothes etc. Here is a link to Grand Princess One's first photo shoot and she is wearing a dress her mom made and laying on the afghan she crochet for her. 

Here she is four years later on that same blanket. Her mom wanted to make a different type of blanket for each of her children so she has learned different techniques and skills as she has progressed and each child has a different blanket from their mother. 

When I was there watching the kids for her youngest birth a few months back, she asked me to do a photo shoot of them in their blankets she has made.

It was a bit of a struggle getting a not quite 2 year old and a new born to both be looking in the same direction and not be blurred as they both moved around so much, but in the end, I did get some good pictures. I just went through and deleted about 100 pictures. :-) Not even exaggerating on the number deleted. 

My old camera was struggling due to being dropped a few too many times and the flash only worked if you pulled it down past a certain point and so half the pictures were dark, shadowed or blurry. 

In the end, the children ended up playing in their blankets like a "queen" or just wrapping it around themselves or rolling around on the ground on it. 

I was able to get a cute picture of them together and one with her and the new baby! Doesn't she look great for having just had him a day or two before! She is a trooper and a talented one at that. She looks GREAT for having three kids! 

The blanket the baby is on is her first loom work. She was trying out different techniques and patterns as a sort of sampler and I think she did a great job. I forgot to ask her how many hours it took her to make the blanket but I am guessing it was MANY hours. 

It was cute when the two year old decided he needed to wrap the baby up and cover him so I have about 20 pictures I saved of him starting at the top and working his way down making the baby into a human burrito in his woven blanket! It was so funny that I couldn't delete them. Someday they will joke about all those pictures. 

Have a Blessed and Crafty Day! 

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