
Monday, June 4, 2018

Updates On The Parasite and Teeth Issues and Clearing Up Rashes

This past few weeks, I changed up my mouth routine as I was getting a fungal rash in my mouth due to killing off the normal bacteria. I wasn't sure if it was the clove oil natural toothpaste I was using, the hydrogen peroxide teeth whitening mouthwash I have used for years to keep the little bumps out of the back of my throat, or if it was the iodine I have been drinking in water. 

Due to not knowing the cause of the issue, I stopped doing all three things on a daily basis. I started altering the iodine in water to once a day and then started brushing my teeth using a few drops of the Landers brand Teeth whitening mouth rinse from the dollar tree instead of the natural toothpaste. I don't remember when I first saw the black line in my front tooth but I think it was sometime before that time.

I finally got my yeast infection in my mouth cleared up but this week I got strep. I started spraying colloidal silver in my throat, using "thieves" oil in my mouth and on my neck again and taking oregano oil and GSE as well. You can link to this page on my blog that discusses these natural antibiotic products that we have used for years! 

I started to feel the parasites burrowing through my upper gums around the roots of my teeth to the point it felt like the teeth were wanting to move at some points when I had a lot of movement around a few teeth near the one that got the black line. 

The more I took the stuff and continued taking high Iodine and the NAC I mentioned in this post a few weeks back, I think all that stuff made them move more and then I felt it on the back teeth on the other side of my mouth. It is really weird feeling something move against the roots of your teeth. 

I have also gotten more burrowing into my large muscles again with many burrowing into large muscles all over my body. I have had less in my feet this week which is nice but actually felt one in my hand muscles this week. I also still have the one in my right thigh often but it moved towards the back when I put iodine on my front this week and for the first time, I had one burrow into my gluteus muscles. It was literally being a "pain in my butt!"

I have had the softest hands I have had in years this week and it makes me so happy. If I continue to put the iodine, antifungal cream with it to help it spread and stay on the skin, and some ointment on top to hold it in, the scales on the elbows, the rashes on the hands and in between my fingers, they are all gone! 

Today I actually enjoyed holding my hands together as they were so soft and smooth. Normally, I have pieces of dead skin falling onto my clothes and rashes between the fingers but as I continue to take the stuff, I feel more and more energy and am getting more and more done and my dry alligator / snake skin leg are getting better. 

I hope I can find the pictures I took of my dry legs a few weeks back and then show you the one from today. I feel hope that maybe I can get better! I really pray that I can continue to get better and feel better. 

I also share in the video about how I think that these parasites are killing off the honey bees in our area. This past week at different times I have seen honey bees on the cement just on the cement. They are alive but super sluggish and I could have stepped on them if I had tried. They didn't look healthy. I haven't seen bees on the ground like this before. 
Have a Blessed Day! 


  1. So happy to see your progress! I'm praying it continues! I am still hopeful with what I'm doing but feel I need to alternate using different things for the skin. I'm also thinking I need to wear nonbreathable clothes and shoes and even a hat would be good..but tough in hot humid summer in the South. Can you please share how to get the three products and what all areas you use it? The ozone water stops the burrowing for me praise God! I have had them completely shred my arm and not be able to lift it for about a week...wondered if it would ever be the same. Thank you and God bless you. Take care of yourself and enjoy your family!!

    1. Hi, I think you are referring to the antifungal cream, iodine and ointment? ANY antifungal cream would work. I used one from the local dollar store for athletes foot but you could use any for yeast infections, or any fungal problems, even jock itch cream...
      The iodine, you can order online or buy crowes brand at your local health food store. The one I have may be a higher concentration than the crowes brand which I think is 2.2 % Lugols iodine. Basically, Lugols iodine is iodine bound with Potassium so that you can absorb it better. The ointment is anything that will hold it on the skin better. zinc, a & D, vasaline, anything that will hold the cream onto the skin and not allow it to just wipe onto clothes, couches, etc.

      Be careful to not get the iodine onto anything as it will stain. That is why I like mixing it with the cream and then putting ointment over it as it holds it in.

      I think that was what you were asking about, if not, please let me know.... Have a Blessed Day and I hope you start feeling better.

  2. PS. Was also wondering how much area you use the ointments on...or just a spot? And how much iodine? The vet salve looks it has sulfur maybe? Thanks again! Also...I have written some fairly lengthy notes and then lost them...including one about the nice response you wrote with the music sites. I am so slow trying to type on this phone..I just quit when I lose it. I just thought I did it again!! Lol. Plus I have a hard time getting back to older posts on the phone...just wanted you to know in case I miss something.

    1. I use the ointment over the areas I use the cream and iodine on. Not on the entire body, just rash areas. mostly hands and elbows. 1 drop of the iodine I am using but you can use what you feel you need. If you have to much, your body won't absorb it and you will have yellow on the skin in the morning or after about 8 hours, the yellow should be gone. Also, if you are using iodine at all, you need the NAC I mention in my video so make sure you watch the iodine videos over the past two weeks.
      Have you ever tried to use the talk to text on your phone to write your notes? I LOVE that feature as my fingers are not all that great on the small phones either, just a thought.
      Also, no sulfur in the salve, it is just like a and d ointment or bag balm, or Vaseline so no big thing there. I use all of the above at some point so no worries.
      Have a Blessed Day!
