
Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Last Email From Japan - Princess Four Is Coming Home

Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful, BEAUTIFUL and beloved friends and family!

I cannot believe that this is my last email home... or that I am boarding a plane on Friday... or that I don’t get to wear Jesus Christ’s name on my name tag everyday... Where did the time go? All the miracles flew by too fast! I think I accidentally blinked! I have absolutely LOVED serving Jesus Christ, and being one of his representatives. Luckily that never has to stop during my whole entire life, but my time serving as a full time missionary is, in fact, coming to a close. I have learned so much, and seen so many MIRACLES!!!! 
For those of you who read this weekly, you might remember a certain ojichan, or nice old man, who I accidentally offended. The bike shop man......... have I got a story for you!!!!! So. My bike became flat AGAIN for like.. the 3rd or 4th time since visiting him. The pattern went. I didn't know how to pump my tire (we thought), then actually fixing the puncture, to getting a new tube, to this time of getting another puncture. I didn't think of going in to get it checked. But my comp mentioned it. I only had less than a week left, but I need my bike. I caught myself not being happy with the thought of returning to the bike shop man who I had offered for the same problem he fixed 4 times. I also didn't like the thought of spending money. But I realized I could be negative or positive...... guess which one I chose??? Ha I of course started giving GRATITUDE! For the free bike I received, the body I have to ride a bike, the bike shop man, my companion, everything! 

Spending the money was worth the dendo, so we happily filled my bike tire, and rode over it his shop. Lo and behold... it was punctured. I mentioned that I was going back home this week. We chatted like old friends. He has a few pictures of missionaries on his wall. We learned about his life. He fixed the puncture, and you wouldn’t even guess that I had cried over offending him just a few weeks ago.  I pulled out my wallet to pay, and he said, no its free! You are going home. Just then the elders pull up for bike help. The man helped the elders, and then came outside to give us candy, and to take a picture with the Sisters! And the elders just so happened to be there to take the picture! (He also told the elders he didn't want them in his picture.. so funny) It is crazy how much our relationship changed. The first time I went in he told me I didn't know how to put air in my tire, and then charged me maybe 10 dollars for checking my tire and air. And then the next time I went in, he still charged me even though there was a problem the first time that he didn't fix. Fast forward to this week when he is giving us not just free fixing, but candy too! 

Repentance and forgiveness are soooooooo AWESOME!!!!! The sadness I felt a few weeks ago really was swallowed  up in the Atonement of Christ. That is the reason I came to Japan. These are the things I was able to teach to others!

This week was filled with so many good things!
We got invited to eat with some members and they said we could bring Investigators.... We brought 3 :) Remember Paige and Fae my American investigators? And yama san? The first floor, first door miracle? They came. It was crazy and fun, and yeah! Really a blessing that they could ALL come at that exact time. SHUKUFUKU!!!!

We also went to happiness town and station two times this week. They were selling tickets to happiness, but I already know that I have that ticket. It is the gospel. It will take me to the Celestial Kingdom where I can live forever and ever with my family and friends. But it was still fun to take pictures! 

We were able to make crepes with a member, and eat lamb with another member, and just so much member love!!!

My comp is still the cutest! It will be sad not to have a Japanese companion by my side to make me smile all day every day, but I'll make it somehow!! 

I love this gospel. I love Jesus Christ. I love my Heavenly Father. I loved serving for these past 18 months. I am so blessed to be a member of the True and living church. I know this church, the Book of Mormon, and everything that comes from this church is of God.  I know nothing can, or will stop this great work. May we all see the miracles throughout eternity. 

Pictures: I hope they all fit....
My mission! I love these people!
Potato chips gratin. Family. I will make this for you.
TANAKA SAN MY BFF. The bike shop man. Please accept the gospel!
OH. We went to my favorite Nepali restaurant, and it turns out now is all you can eat time...  Dakara... I ate all the nan, curry, and Chocolate chip nan that I wanted too. Tender mercies. 
Grandma Volleyball.... We lost... but such is life..
Oh. Members went crazy and bought me 9 packs of my favorite ice cream... so much LOVE!
This is happiness station. It is a love and happiness power spot, but I think the temple could give that station a run for its money!
She likes trains, and I like her!
My going away cake. I love the Japanese flag more than you know!
Picnic with the elders! The sisters are going to help this family of eight with the elders. Life is better when you dendo with friends!

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