
Friday, June 1, 2018

Every Needful Thing - God is Good

I had a rough day still feeling sick and found out that my daughter that was home for the weekend, also got this and said she has fought it with everything and is still having a hard time.

We must have gotten exposed together while she was home and weird that we both got hit so hard. She is working and I hope that she can knock it out and feel better as there is no one there to take care of her if she gets worse.

I felt a bit better mid day and mowed the back yard and currently am having a really hard time breathing. I must have some allergens in the yard as I was doing better earlier but think the mowing stirred it all up for me.

While I was feeling better, I went to a meeting tonight and it finished after ten p.m. I had been thinking earlier in the day about Fathers Day and how I have a hard time getting things for my dad. He is super grumpy about gifts saying he doesn't need them but I think 9 out of 10 gifts I have given him, he does use and I actually pointed that out to him last time he was grumpy about it.

I gave them a super soft Minky blanket for Christmas, well, actually it wasn't for him but when my Step-Mom (name only for clarification as I love her like a mother) was using it, he reached over and felt how soft it was and then I think he has been using it as she said he "really liked" it and was taking it over....
Later, he told me on his own that he "really liked the blanket I gave them at Christmas as it was super soft." To get that kind of comment out of him is SUPER hard. So, I thought I wanted to give him one for Fathers Day so that they could each enjoy their own as they have two chairs, not always sitting together, so I figure that would be a good gift. Also, they could maybe use it in their motor home if they didn't want two in the family room.

If you have never felt or used a Minky blanket, you can visit their site here. They have lots of cute styles and we love them!

I have SO much going on right now. Princess Four is coming home from Japan in a week from today. I have a reunion a week from tomorrow where I am making 100 frames with pictures and stories, pottery and a brand on leather. I have 100 people coming for dinner next Sunday to hear Princess Four report on her mission to Japan and then she leaves that night for another town to work for the summer. On top of that, I am trying to get the yard and house fixed up from a year of stress and neglect.

God KNOWS that I am not feeling well and have one week to get it all done. He KNOWS, I am doing all I can to get the house ready for everyone to sleep here, finish the reunion project, finish the house and yard and still remember my father on Fathers Day as he does so much for me and my family. (See this post about him helping me get a car)

I went to my meeting tonight and one of the prizes at the meeting was..... You guessed it..... A Minky Blanket! I lost getting the first choice of prizes on the last round of the last round. I figured there was no way I would get the blanket. Guess what.... The grand prize winner took two hot pads as her prize and I ended up getting the blanket! No one knew I wanted that prize except God. He is ever aware of our needs and wants.

This may seem like a little thing to some, but as I got into the car I was giving gratitude to my Father in Heaven for His constant awareness of my needs and my wants. I know people think I am crazy to think like this but it happens OVER and OVER.

As I am giving gratitude, I felt like I should go to the store. It was after 10 p.m. and I had no need for anything at the store. I thought I could get a few bananas but I already had one at home and could go tomorrow and it was late. I still felt like I should go. I went to a different store than I normally go to and when I pulled in and parked, I got out and noticed a couple with their hood up. I asked if I could help them. The woman spoke no English and the man spoke some and they had a boy about 8 with them. I asked if they had jumper cables as they had left their lights on and they did. I had thought about putting some in my car recently but had forgotten to do it.

They had some, so I pulled around and put the cables on the cars. The man immediately kept trying over and over to turn the car over but had the door open, the dome lights on and probably his head lights on. My car was overheating so I had to get his attention and share that he needed to close the doors, give the car a second to charge and be patient. His cables were really skimpy so I had to rev my engine but after a minute or two I got his attention and told him to try it. It started right up.

I told him he would need to drive the car around for a few minutes to allow the battery to charge up or it may not start in the morning. He seemed super grateful as I could tell when he was trying to start it up, he thought something else was wrong. Sometimes we have the knowledge to help others and the ability even though they probably would have figure something else out. I know I helped them with a stressful situation. The boy thanked me over and over with a huge smile on his face.

What I did for them was not anything great, but it meant lots to them. What God did for me tonight wasn't great and mighty, but it meant a lot to me. God doesn't always have to work in great and mighty ways to be involved in our lives. It can be a gentle "nudge" to go to a store late at night, or to make a call to someone when you think of them. I truly KNOW that GOD is aware of every needful thing and wants to make my life better even in small ways.

I am grateful that I KNOW that HE is in my life and am also grateful that I can "feel" those gentle nudges and follow them so that I can answer others prayers. At some point, we are all answering another persons prayers.

Don't let my dad know what I am getting him for Fathers Day if you see him. He may not enjoy it but I think my Step-Mother may enjoy him having his own "comfy" blanket.

Have a Minky soft and Blessed Day!

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