
Thursday, May 31, 2018

Removing Oxidation from Swamp Cooler - Polishing and Protecting with TEAK OIL

I think I may have overdone it the past few weeks as I now have strep and feel so horrible. It is hard to rest when I have so much I want to get done because I haven't been able to do as much as I used to being tired all the time. 

Sunday night I told Princess Five that my throat felt "funny" but I couldn't put my finger on it. Then Monday, I felt fine. Tuesday night I felt like someone took a zapper and took any energy I had left and replaced it with aches and my throat started to hurt like strep. 

I was supposed to head on a road trip with my sister to pick up some things for the project I am working on and support her son in attending one of our church's temples for the first time but even after taking all sorts of vitamins, GSE, etc, I woke all night long with a sore throat. I called her early and canceled going with her and went back to sleep and woke about 2 p.m. 

I still felt horrible and have taken all sorts of things including oregano, silver, Thieves oil, vitamin C etc and I now have pain in both my ears and my throat still hurts. Of course, I have so much to do in the next week before Princess Four comes home and our family reunion, that I took stuff and ran errands and then pulled out the mower, got gas in the fuel can and mowed the front grass but it was dark by the time I would be getting to the back. I then stained 9 large pieces of wood for the family history project and it took forever and now it is 1:30 a.m. and I can hardly breath. 

I feel like I am having an allergy attack from the grass but also the chemicals I was using to stain the boards spilled on me. I ache all over and I know I was probably stupid to push myself but I don't have time to be sick! 

I pray I feel better tomorrow so I can mow and work on the family reunion project. I am going to take some stuff and pray I get some sleep. I also hope I can breath better after taking stuff or it is going to be a long night. 

WOW, that had nothing to do with a swamp cooler! lol I am sorry! Basically, after I used the teak oil on the grill the other day, I thought it would probably work wonders for the swamp cooler as it is painted metal like the garage door and trailer and of course, it worked great and I wanted to share it with you. 

If your swamp cooler has lots of minerals on it, use some CLR and get the minerals off before using the teak oil on it as the teak will seal in any dirt or minerals that are on the unit. Then, just wipe it on using a soft cotton cloth! I would suggest doing a few coats a day or two apart to allow good coverage and protection. It couldn't hurt to just wipe some on each year.... Easy way to keep it protected and shiny. 

Thanks for watching. Have a Blessed Day! 


  1. I pray you will have a good night's rest and feel better tomorrow!! One time I started to get strep and started to dump down the garlic softgels and it saved me! God bless. Maria

    1. Thank you so much Maria, I did get some sleep but still feel horrible tonight. I found out my daughter got this as well so we must have been exposed while she was home for a day or two. She said it is kicking her as well so I may do as you suggest and add garlic to the mix tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestion. Have a Blessed Day and thanks for thinking of me!
