
Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Moving Out Of the Dorms and Saying Goodbye - In God We Trust

Princess Five was really happy to have her sister Princess Three come to graduation and moving out.

We don't see her often but she had a friend getting married and wanted to support him so she stayed with me for a day before heading home after helping Princess Five pack up her stuff.

We have helped move Princess Three a few times over the years and I have to say she was SUPER helpful getting most of the kitchen packed and cleaned for us before she had to leave.

I was a bit stressed as Princess Five had to pack up some stuff to send home, some stuff to move into her apartment for a new job she is starting and some stuff for Princess Four to use to take to college in the fall so we were not only cleaning the apartment and moving, but had to be somewhat organized so that I could take some stuff home for storage, like all her boots and winter coats. 

She couldn't move into her new apartment until this week so her car was stuffed and we actually left some items at the old apartment as we didn't want to drive it back and forth as her new job is further away.

It was a bit of a shock to her system to have missed a few of her roommates leaving while we were at lunch so she was already a bit on edge and then saying goodbye to her actual roommate and then when Princess Three had to head out, she hugged us both and left and Princess Five burst into tears.

Princess Five wasn't planning on coming home for the weekend but I was worried about her staying by herself on campus with everyone gone as she was headed to her new apartment the next week so I told her she was coming home for the weekend and that we would clean the entire apartment as if she wasn't there, it wouldn't be used and we could clean it and leave it and then when she moved to her new places, she could just pick up her last load of stuff and mop the floors and clean out the fridge. 

So, we packed up everything except the fridge stuff and cleaned the entire apartment and she followed me home for the weekend which made me feel better about things as she could stay until Monday and then move to her new apartment and start her new job this week. 

She didn't want to make the long drives by herself but I bribed her with a movie and sushi so she made the long drive and I was able to give her a pedicure and we bought three yummy sushi rolls and watched "Age of Adeline" which she has wanted to watch for a long time so it was a good weekend and I was glad I didn't have to worry about her being alone on campus for a few days.

I felt a bit melancholy when finishing up the cleaning and packing as I have moved into and out of this apartment six times now. Princess Four had this same apartment for two years and Princess Five for a year. I have moved five girls into this town every year for 13 years or so. Every girl has attended for at least a year and most went for two years so this town has been like a second home for them. I can't count the times I have visited that town over the years now.

Here is the blog post of her moving into the apartment.
Here is the post of Princess Three moving out and Princess Four moving in. 
Here is Princess Three moving for the summer there.

I found it interesting that each time I moved the girls, we found coins. I think it is just a reminder to "Trust in God" that wherever they are heading, things will be "OK" and they just need to have faith that things are good. This move was no exception. We found lots of coins and I found one after all was packed up and I was vacuuming the carpet as well. 

Just another reminder that HE is in charge of it all and KNOWS where we are and where we are going and even if we don't always know, HE does and sends us little reminders to Trust in Him! 

I LOVED having three of the five girls home the past two weeks. It has been a bit crazy and I feel like I am not getting a ton done but we have made some good memories and had some good times. And, lucky me, I got to have sushi three times as I bought some yummy rolls with each girl while they visited. It was wonderful having them all one on one for a few days. That doesn't often happen so I was grateful to have that opportunity. 

I am Blessed! Have a BLESSED Day!

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