
Thursday, May 10, 2018

Living Life To the Fullest - Working on Adventure

As a parent, one of my biggest fears was losing a child. I think most parents feel this way. I would say I am a "Hyper Vigilant" parent when it comes to dangers that could befall my children. I warn them of all the dangers that come from choices and made them wear their "safety equipment" when roller blading or riding bikes. 

To this day, my kids hate riding bikes because I would always make them wear helmets and tell me they look stupid. I personally wear a helmet when I ride a bike as well. Being a nurse, I see the results of people NOT taking precautions. I personally know of two kids who died riding skate boards, not to mention broken bones due to not wearing helmets. I know of people paralyzed by trampolines and have seen many broken bones from people jumping on them. 

I am not afraid of them living life, but just want to make sure that they take all the precautions that would make the experience the safest possible! I have a trampoline... Here is a post about that. I have a net around the trampoline. I only allow two on the trampoline at a time. I want them to have fun and they have enjoyed many super experiences on the trampoline and I can "knock on wood"
 and say that no one has been hurt on the trampoline in the 16 years or so we have owned it. 

We did have one bike accident but she was wearing a helmet which probably saved her face and teeth as she did hit hard on her face but the helmet protected her and her teeth recovered with no permanent damage but we did take her to the dentist for an emergency visit just in case. 

The only break we had, was at a city playground when one fell off the monkey bars so considering all that, we have done well. 

I put my kids in swimming lessons and swim team as kids when possible as I wanted them to feel safe around water and be able to be confident swimmers. I shared a bit about this in yesterdays post. 

My girls had someone in their life that had a fear of many things. Trampolines, swimming, snorkeling, roller-skates, roller blades, and hiking overlooks etc. Due to this, the girls ended up with many unrealistic fears for some things. One day when I was doing clinical hours, one daughter was put in her room for many hours without dinner at about age 5 for jumping on a trampoline at a birthday party while I wasn't home. The girls weren't allowed roller skates or roller blades and other things. I tried to balance the realistic fears with realistic caution yet have them be excited to try new things.

I think the fact that Four of the five girls all served in other continents as missionaries by themselves and all did a few South America service missions with me, shows that they have confidence in new things and I myself LOVE trying new things. I also taught them to try new foods and thought this was a good thing until Princess One tried "pork poop soup" in the Philippines when serving as a missionary. There are some lines that shouldn't be crossed! 

I think at some point, all the girls have some fears that they are all overcoming at their own pace due to the situations as children, but I am so proud of them facing those fears head on and moving forward in a healthy way and being able to enjoy new things.... 

This past week, Princess Three went repelling on several cliffs of 300 feet and the guys that took her asked her a few times if her "mom would be "OK" with this?" She replied, "She's probably really proud because I'm trying something new and scary and she always says I could just die walking down the street, so why not?" She then added,  "Ha ha. They thought that was pretty cool! And I did it and I didn't even cry!!"  
I am proud of her and jealous as I LOVE doing things like that. So, as you can see, I do want them to do cool things but be safe in how they do them. She also has flown a plane, gone to Thailand with a friend, petted lions, ridden elephants, gone to Africa with a service missionary group not knowing anyone before hand, gone paragliding, purchased a car and is leaving for Iceland to camp in two vans for 10 days with a group of friends. I am SO proud of her for doing that! 

The other girls are also learning and doing new things and I am so proud of the way one of them has taken on some harassing situations at work and stood up for coworkers in tough situation bringing the situation to those higher up in the company and even if it affects her job, she knows she has done the right thing by standing up for the right.

I laugh in understanding as Princess One breaks the way of parenting and is setting a wonderful example of a healthy marriage and Princess One researches everything and finds cool and new things for parenting that weren't around in my day and I am continually learning new things from her... I know the other girls have a good resource in her as things have changed so much since I raised them. 

Princess Five is getting herself ready to serve as a missionary in the next few months and I am excited to see where she will be able to serve others. I know wherever she ends up going, it will be a wonderful experience for her! I am proud of Princess Four surviving for 18 months in Japan not knowing any of the language before hand and she is now sad to leave those people she has learned to love through service....

I have always said, "I wouldn't wish my divorce on anyone" as it lasted so many years and we even recently have had issues, but I know that without that experience in their lives, my girls wouldn't have the strong dispositions they do and love how they can stand up for what is right no matter the consequences. They do branch out and do hard and amazing things being wonderful leaders in the community and every boss I have ever met of my girls has told me what hard workers they are and that they had no hesitation leaving them alone or in charge due to their work ethic. Princess Four arrives home on a Friday and starts work on Monday morning in another town as her old boss loves her and wanted her back for the summer! 

I am so blessed with wonderful and somewhat adventurous girls. I am happy they are getting even more adventurous. I know that they all have the ability to change the world by changing the corner where they are!

Have a Blessed Day! 

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