
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Link Between Low Iodine States - Suicide Rates - Lung Damage - Leukemia - Horsehair Nematomorpha Parasite

A few months back, my chiropractor sent me a link to a video on youtube that talked about the iodine problem in the world. Here is a link to that video. 

The Dr. mentions that the RDA amount of iodine isn't being met and needs to be raised. He showed a map of the draft in 1918 for the first world war. In that map (I show at the top) it shows that the states in black and that have black lines shows that those states have low iodine in the soil and the soldiers had high incidences of goiters....   I saw something that triggered me to do more research as I recognized that the states shown were similar to the suicide statistical map of the U.S.

I have been doing some research for the past few weeks on the connection between having low iodine in the soil of certain states and the increase of suicide in those same states as well as the possibility of those states having the parasites which causes its host to commit suicide.

I have said many times that I think the solution to killing this parasite off is going to be something to do with iron, iodine, zinc, copper and other minerals. I really think that the lack of those minerals in the soil cause a depletion in our systems which then allows this parasite to do well as we don't have those things that would kill them off. 

In doing my research, I came across some other interesting facts. Farmers who deal with soil no matter what country, have a higher suicide rate than any other occupation. The top suicide jobs all have to do with soil as well as the second highest group. 

I think that there is a genetically modified pesticide that used horsehair nematmorpha parasites to kill off the grasshoppers that would eat the crops. I think that the farmers that sprayed it then got the parasites and we as consumers eating the crops also got infected. There are studies which show that certain pesticides are linked to higher suicide rates. I don't think that they put the pesticide with the suicide rates at first as it took some time for the parasites to "set up and do their worst" in the farmers, maybe even a few years down the road as mine took years to get to this point. 

I also was able to find a correlation between the cause of deaths in states and those with low iodine had a higher death rate of lung disorders. I believe the parasite which has destroyed my lung has been causing all the people in the low iodine states to have lung damage. I found it interesting that so many of the high "Lung death" states are states that have low amounts of smokers in them. There is no reason those states should have such a high incidence of lung issues. 

Along with that, I found that Leukemia rates are also mostly following along those same upper states. My mother had leukemia but never smoked, drank alcohol, no coffee, tea, and took care of 8 children. She worked super hard and had no reason to have lung damage or leukemia. 

When I kept going to the Dr for three years trying to figure out what was causing my lung damage, all three Dr.'s offices said that I had a high white blood count but couldn't tell me why.... Interestingly enough, one of the main things a parasite infection does, is cause a high white count..... Thus, I believe that my mothers leukemia was due to a huge parasite infection as her lungs were damaged and she was on oxygen for years. 

All the maps shown here show that the same states that have low iodine in the soil also have lung damage, leukemia, suicides, etc. I hope that someone will take notice of this issue and help us figure this out. 

This is a link to the CDC report on Death by occupation. Farmer, Forestry Workers, and Fishermen are the highest. All outside jobs dealing with soil and water.... Lowest suicide jobs, library, training, and education.

The Second Highest group of suicides by job was Construction and Extraction, also dealing with soil incidentally.

States of the study include: Alaska, Colorado, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia, and Wisconsin.

Statements below in Newsweek show that the problem is huge with farmers. "The problem isn’t exclusive to the U.S. Farmers in France, China, India and the United Kingdom are dying by suicide at higher rates than the general public as well, according to news and government reports.

The suicide rate for young male military veterans is higher than previously thought, according to a new report from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). But it’s lower in some states than the suicide rate for farmers, based on an unrelated report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)"

There was a woman listed whose husband was a farmer who committed suicide as a farmer at 55 and told her he "couldn't sleep or think clearly....." That information just resonated with me as I have shared that those were some symptoms I have shared in the past that have caused me problems. 

One last thing, I believe that this parasite is causing the loss of the honey bee population. While on a trip, I saw some type of a bee dive into a puddle, die and this horsehair parasite came out. I blogged about it here. 

I also blogged last October about how I think the parasites are causing the suicides here. Click here for that post. 

Basically, I think they will find..... Low iodine (all minerals basically) states have higher parasite infestations, more lung damage, more incidences of leukemia, more suicides, depression, anxiety, more obesity, infertility, autism, etc. Someone needs to look at this on a national and international level.... 

Even if they don't think the iodine is the issue, the suicide state clusters just may have worse parasite clusters which will continue to grow and spread if we can't figure this out. 

I watched a show on youtube describing that you need to take some minerals and vitamins while taking iodine in order to assimilate it and detoxify the body. I wasn't taking all those years ago when I was taking the iodine. They suggest Nascent iodine and what you need to take with it to make it work.... The pharmacist on the show gave great information and it explained why when I have been taking the iodine, n - acetyl cysteine, selenium and vitamin C together, I have been feeling so much better for the past few weeks. He mentions ALL of them! Well worth taking the time to research. 

A girl from our local high school shot and killed herself last week.... It shouldn't have happened..... 

I can't share this with everyone, please share this information with anyone that will listen as we are losing loved ones at an alarming rate to suicide and depression / anxiety. 

I hope we all do what we can to make sure that EVERYONE has a BLESSED DAY! 


  1. You're onto something here. But...They already know. It's called soft genocide. Drs diagnosing people with delusional parasitosis without even looking under a microscope. Allowing such unbelievable suffering and laughing at patients as they boot ghem out the door. Over and over. THEY KNOW. Worldwide. And its been going on for years.No offense intended but, Don't you think if you could figure it out the CDC WHO and all scientists with all the money they steal from us cant figure it out? Check into the many suspicious deaths of holistic doctors and scientists in the last few years, 100s of them.
    I am grateful you have posted this it helps a lot,I've tried every thing I've read about for years and nothing works. The worms are in my throat when I lay down. My eyes ears nose and everywhere else. It's horrible being eaten alive, but never killing me outright Slow suffering death. I only hope it's not too late for all who suffer this awful man made disease. I truly believe parasites are at the root of all disease up and including cancer. I often wonder what human real lifespan would be if we started nutrition and deworming at birth like animals. Thank you for posting this and all your research

    1. Thank you for your gratitude.... I am so sad when I hear from people daily living with this for years and not knowing what it is or how to deal with it. I tell my kids that at least I have a diagnosis and a Dr. that believes in this and would love to help if he only knew how. I saw three other Dr.'s, one a specialist and I really don't think they know. I don't think it is all medicine and believe that most people go into medicine to help people as I did. Most Dr.'s just don't want to admit they don't know and can't help. It is sad but it is how our system is.....

      I think the chemical companies probably didn't know when they made the sprays thinking they had a good idea using the parasites but I am SURE they probably figured it out really quick a few years later when all their customers started killing themselves....

      I pray that the right people will take a look at this and get involved so that science can figure out a cure for this.... I also feel like I am being eaten from the inside out. Keep the faith and hope alive that someday soon there will be a cure….

      Have a Blessed and worm free day! ;-)

  2. Thank you. Maybe it was accidental but that they don't take ownership of it now is murder. Plain and simple. Basically the study of parasites is left to the military. That says it all to me

    I have identified mine myself Asacaris sum. Plain as day almost a foot long curled into a ball as they do when they die. 30 years ago I had endometriosis, a grapefruit sized cyst on my ovary. Had surgery. 3 years later a nodule on thyroid. Surgery again. Over the years I began to think the two were connected in some way. Now I am convinced it was these monsters all along. I find it very difficult to believe that at surgeries Drs don't see some evidence of parasites.People from different countries describing the same exact experience. I will go to my grave knowing I was murdered, at the very least by ommision. They simply cannot be that stupid. We figured it out Oh btw the caudicus symbol

    used to be on all Drs offices. Its not snakes, it's worms! The basis of all disease, they knew it 50 years ago. I guess they forgot

    Thank you again for all your research and prayers, we who suffer this are truly on our own here

    1. I LOVE YOU! YOU MATTER! YOUR GRATITUDE BRINGS ME JOY! PLEASE DONT GIVE UP! I am so sad that you have given up on people in the medical community. I am a nurse and KNOW that they aren't informed. I think if a Dr. does surgery and sees something weird, they don't know what to do with it other than send it to the pathologist. The other problem is that Dr's are now so specialized that they only know their specialty and not the entire body. Parasites don't get lots of time in school so truly, they are just not informed.

      I hope that you can forgive the medical and science community in whole as the negative feelings can only hurt you. I think in general, people want to help if they know how, I am sure most people just don't know how to help..... I will pray that you can find some peace in your life about this. YOU ARE NOT ON YOUR OWN HERE!

      People care but really if you look at all the people who have commented on my blog and youtube channel, for the most part, they are all trying to help and make suggestions. You are NEVER alone when you are helping someone else.....

      I will continue to pray for a cure and pray that you find joy in what you can. You brought me joy by sharing your gratitude!

      Have a Blessed Day!

    2. Do u have an email? That way i can upload what is in my carpeting. I moved to this 200 factory turned lofts for 2 yrs. They used to keep carpet in basement but i do think im an accidental host because there is no water in my carpeted rooms. They look like blk and silver snakes.

    3. Hi, I do have an email you can mail things, it is and I check it once a month or so. Hope you are staying safe and have a blessed day!

  3. Oh! On the last post I wanted to say that I am working every single day to bring awareness. There's people all over the parasite groups with this also. I believe there are more people with this than without in my area and my loved ones in the nw also. They just can't believe me. I believe ozone water can sustain life and organs perhaps until a cure is found.
