
Wednesday, May 23, 2018

One of the Last Emails From Japan - Princess Four

Princess Four only has a few weeks left in Japan before returning. Since she has been in this new area, her emails have been super iffy at best. 

She doesn't have the best internet and so we take what we can get. With that, her last few emails have been very short. 

Mostly just pictures this week but they are fun... Hopefully you will enjoy them as much as I do.... 

"Beautiful people! I have two minutes. You're all great! See miracles, ok? 

Highlights of the week's miracles! 

Able to hear from, and shake hands with Elder Renlund. One of the 12 Apostles. It was better than you can imagine! 

One of the miracle new investigators, Yama san, also known as Kou. He came to a baptism. He only saw the actual baptism, but we had a lesson before, and just sprung the invitation to go on him like an hour before it happened. And, this was only our third time meeting him... so what a blessing! He is the best!

I was able to see my beautiful Brinker shimai!! And the whole mission. What a blessing right before going home!

I accidentally called an elder unchi instead of Onchi....... one means tone deaf, and one means poop..... ill let you decide which is which! 
Yeah. Really good week! 
Oh, I also found out that my MOST BELOVED YUK SAN is sick. Everyone pray for her!!! Brinker shimai told me a lot of things about my old area. 

Something I learned this week, is that you might not know the fullness of your labors now, but that shouldn't stop you from doing good and following the spirit! God is real. Trust him.


Brinker shimai and Sud Shimai my old comps. 

My MTC douki. 

And big leaves.

A little Japanese house where Buddhist Gods live... 

Yama san eating ramen with us before the baptism!" 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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