
Monday, May 21, 2018

Cleaning a Large Grill, Heat Shield, Heater Cover, Vent Cover, Screen - Easiet Way Indoors

Princess one has a room that was added onto the house after it was built. As such, it has its own heat source in the form of a wall mounted heater which is quite large but the front is NOT removable. 

With little fingers holding onto the grate and touching everything, it gets dirty. I don't know that they actually use the heater much if at all but it is floor to six feet high so it obviously would collect dust and dirt and little children would touch it as it has texture. 

While visiting Princess One, I was looking for ways I could help around the house. The house was in good condition and there wasn't much I could find to do to help other than play with the grand-children and make the meals. 

One day when everyone was home, I thought I would find a project to keep me busy as they enjoyed family time so I had some food baking and thought I would clean the heater vent / screen / cover. 

I LOVE "Totally Awesome Cleaner" and basically, tried a few different things as far as wondering if a rag or brush would be better, or maybe I would need a tooth brush for the backs, etc. 

I just basically put a towel down on the ground to protect the carpet and sprayed the cleaner onto the cover and just used a soft, long bristle dishwashing brush wet with warm water to scrub the screen.

It went rather quickly using the spray. I tried with a rag but I had to get into ever corner and it was taking some time so I then tried the soft, longer brush and with that, it went super quick. 

Princess One said that she has used Clorox wipes in the past to wipe it down but I found the spray much more quick as it softened any dirt and then the longer bristle brush could get the back and corners if I moved it into a twisting motion. It went really quickly once I figure that out. 

I rinsed the brush out a few times and rinsed the cover with the brush using clean water a few times and then just let it dry. I did use a few paper towels to get the dripping water off but didn't wipe every grate. 

I left the towel on the floor while it dried and then threw it into the wash. I washed up the brush I used but basically, it was just dust for the most part so it wasn't super gross. 

Watch the video to see how fast it went but just know that it will take off any warning signs so if you have anything printed on it, make sure you cover it with clear packing tape BEFORE you wash it so that it is protected and just don't spray any cleaner above that area so it doesn't ruin the warning signs. 

I learned that the hard way but you would think I would know that by now. I have used that stuff for 15 years. I just love that stuff, it works for most anything and costs $1 for a large bottle. 

Happy cleaning and I hope you have a Blessed Day! 

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