
Monday, May 7, 2018

Black Lines Showing Up Inside My Teeth - Another Parasite Symptom of Horsehair Nematomorpha

I have had a new symptom show up in the past month or so. I have a black line in my tooth that looks just like the black lines in my fingernail that I posted about in the past and have a video on my youtube channel. I will post that video on this blog post along with the new video where I am trying to show the black line in my tooth but I don't know how well you can see the black line but I am doing my best to show it here. 

I first noticed something a few years back when my mother who was living with me had many of her teeth go dark in color. The dark wasn't on the outside of the teeth, it was on the inside of the teeth which I thought was rather weird as she has always had fabulous strong white teeth. So much so that her dentist the few times I have taken her in the past few years and my dentist who I had look at her when she was living with me both commented on how amazing her teeth were considering her age. 

It almost looked like the darkening teeth one would have gotten from taking tetracycline many years back but she didn't obviously take that but it wasn't all her teeth and it was somewhat speckled in appearance so I wondered later if it was due to the parasites as she had the lung damage, high white blood count, fatigue, thyroid issues, weight gain etc. 

I hadn't thought much about it until a few months back, I was visiting with an older family member who has been having some health issues similar to the parasites and noticed that a few of their teeth had gone darker in spots as well. I didn't bring it up that day as I didn't want to embarrass them but I did ask them later about it quietly and they shared that their dentist noticed the darkening and didn't know what was causing it. 

After that time, I noticed that I have a black line in my tooth and it looks JUST LIKE TH BLACK LINES I GET FROM THE PARASITES IN MY FINGERNAILS! I couldn't believe it that it was clearly a line and clearly in the center of my tooth under the enamel and it looks just like the black lines that show up in my fingernails when I touch something the parasites don't like!

So, I believe that these parasites cause the teeth to gradually go dark as they burrow into the teeth and get trapped or maybe they are fleeing from something they don't like in the mouth and burrow into the teeth to get away from the thing in the mouth they don't like. 

I have been eating LOTS of ginger root as I know they don't like that and it could be that but I have also been eating lots of curry and also cilantro garlic dressing almost daily so it could be any of those things that the parasites don't like causing them to go into the teeth. 

I also remember that when Princess Two was in Taiwan, she had several times when she would taste metal in her mouth after she was having the rash / sores on her leg like I also had and eating certain things etc. So, I wonder if you have a bad case of these parasites, if they burrow into the teeth causing issues there.

I can't help think they do as I can feel them burrowing into and out of my mouth and they wake me wagging in the back of my throat sometimes so I wanted to share that new symptom with you and let you know to add that to the list of symptoms! 

I made another video about my yellow eyes that I want to share this week as well. Have a Blessed Day! 


  1. My teeth had some pain yesterday which I hadn't experienced in a long time and I got new lines in some nails with black at the end of the lines . I have black things growing under both big toenails but my doctor doesn't seem concerned about anything. Hes the first MD in years of this who hasn't called me dillusional so I have stayed with him but so disappointing because it could be tested. I have no doubt about having the same parasite as you but I believe what's causing this to be such a huge problem is agrobacterium and is also causing the parasite that normally grows in the plant or has changed the horsehair parasite to change with genetics. I have patterns of the agrobacterium surface on my head and limbs all the time and running down to the toe that has a larger black line under it. I haven't been able to find a test for agrobacterium so if anyone on here knows of anyone who will test me please please let me know. I think this is all being hidden because its caused by GMO and maybe cotton is the worst. Lots of farmers commited suicide in India after gmo and you are exactly right about the suicide and autism and now the mass shootings. I am realizing that heavy metals are playing a big part in the illness I have and many are saying this is from chemtrails. I don't understand those but I have metallic flakes come out of my skin and see them on floors every place. I believe I killed some parasites in my arms and legs from putting the Nair shower cream on but I also drink Ozone water and use tons of oils and my skin is very very thin and dry now. But praise God I'm still up and going! Agrobacterium can alter fungus etc. Well thank you and God bless!

    1. Hi Maria, I have to say I am ignorant about the agrobacterium you are mentioning. I have done some research in the cotton growers suicide that I think you mentioned as well as the high suicide rate of all farmers including in America. I am putting together some information that I think proves the link with low iodine and the high suicide rates and believe it is due to the parasites which are not being killed off due to the low iodine in the soil as well as low zinc and iron. I will hopefully be able to make a video about that soon but I have lots going on at the moment so it may take a few weeks. Thank you for your continued sharing of information and I pray we all continue to find peace. Have a Blessed Day!

  2. PS the first time I saw this pattern is when I was drinking several glasses of Ozone water and breathing lots of lavender in between.

  3. Please take a look at the connection of agrobacterium to morgellans how the farmers in India committed suicide after gmo and how Scotland warned us not to do this. Apparently an experiment with cotten went bad with nematodes also . Don't understand the chemtrails either. Ozone could save your eyes and teeth and lungs i believe .I got over this flu in two days with it. God bless.
