
Friday, May 4, 2018

How I Wash Undergarments Due to Horsehair Nematomorpha Parasite Diagnosis

Since I have been diagnosed with this parasite that no one has really had before or has been studied, everything and anything is a mystery and there are no protocols on how to treat this or what to do when you have this so I am making this up as I go. 

I have started washing my undergarments by hand and putting a hydrogen peroxide rinse on them. The problem using peroxide in the wash is that it is like bleach and can degrade the fabric if you leave it in for long.

I basically just hand wash them using "Zout" prewash and once it is clean, I then pour on some peroxide and since the fabric is wet, it isn't straight so is a bit watered down. I then fill the sink with water and allow it to sit for a few minutes. 

I rinse it and dry as usual. I made a video showing it but really, it is just wash as usual and rinse with peroxide. 

I guess I could use bleach but since bras are elastic, I don't want to break down the elastic so using the peroxide makes me feel like it is getting clean and killing off any parasites if any are on the clothes. 

I wouldn't allow them to stay in the peroxide for a long time but it makes me have some peace of mind having them rinsed in the peroxide.

Thinking about it now, I know that Borax is really good at killing off parasites so maybe hand washing it in the borax and rinsing it in the peroxide would work even better. 

I will have to try that next wash. Have a Blessed Day!

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