
Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Princess Four Teaching an American in Japan

Hello Beautiful People! This week was SOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!  

We found 3 new investigators this week!!!!!!!!!! WE HAVE WAITED 7 whole weeks for this! We have had 0 new investigators for 7 weeks! But we finally did it! Ok that's not true. God did it, but he let us be his hands! 2 young man, and a beautiful American from New York named Paige!

God is so funny. On The same day of our fast we were able to meet her! It was exactly what I needed! it was so weird teaching in English that is SOOOO rare. Like maybe I've taught less than 5 people in English before on my mission? It's just so rare! But God has a sense of humor, so He sent just what I needed. I was a little bit weird, but we did it! Koba shimai even was able to tell her we are "Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint missionary" It was so cute! She also got to say the first vision in English with me! It was so interesting knowing exactly what happened during the contact.

But we messaged on facebook, and we are going to meet her and her sokag friend who was converted in the US.... She was in the US. Became a type of religion similar to Buddhism, and is going to learn about Mormons while living in Japan.... So I'll let you know how that goes next week! Hopefully well! I don't know who out there started praying for me, or Koba shimai, or our area, but I am POSITIVE that this success is related to prayer. We have been praying so hard to help the people in Obihiro, and now it's happening! Funny that one might turn out to be American, but we will see! 

So that was me jumping right to the miracles because I'm so excited, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY Princess Two!!! SEE YOU SOON!!!! Ugh... speaking of seeing you soon.... I have one month left... pray for me! I am NOT ready to leave this place. I felt the first pangs of leaving today while President kaicho prayed for me in our last one conference interview.... ehhhhhh. Not ready.  

We also tried to do a lot of picture and Sakura dendou. We were able to take lots of cute pictures with /from lots of people. Not very many people had interest, but it was still fun! 

My companion is still the cutest! I'm going to put pictures in another email just in case things go weird again. Sorry for the obnoxiousness.. I hope you all see the miracles this week! I love you all very much!!  This week is Splits and Zone Conference!!! So stoked!! 
福音は真実です! (Fukuin wa shinjitsu desu!) The gospel is true! 愛しています!(Ai shiteimasu!) I love you! 

A lake

Cherry blossoms! I've waited my whole mission for this! 

We have waited 7weeks for this!  2 new investigators in 1 day!

MY BELOVED YOSH fuufu visited me! 
Now introducing. The very best of Me. My cd.
We had FHE - So fun!

My "dying" present! I don't like that terming, but it is what it is! They  used to pie going home missionaries in the face, but I like this better! 

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