
Monday, April 2, 2018

Yard Sale Blessings - Gods Little Intervention

Last week, I drove home on a road I don't usually drive down at a time of day I don't normally go out. I went to the Chiropractor and have only been there once for myself in the past year and once for Princess Five due to her accident / and dancing last year, she had some neck pain that lingered so we went once for her.

I spent lots longer visiting than normal as I hadn't been in so long. On the way home, I saw a yard sale. It was weird as it is still cold and it was on a Tuesday early evening. I passed the yard sale not taking note of anything for sale as I rarely go to them anymore. Maybe one a year, if that, as I am trying to clear out my house, not buy more as the girls buy what they need and I am looking for specific things I need rather than just "Stuff."

I got several blocks past the sale and had the "nagging" that I needed to go back to the yard sale. It was getting late but I promised God a long time ago that if I felt "prompted" or "urged" to do something, I would, as I had a friend that called me looking for help and I didn't answer the phone even thought I had that "feeling" I should and he took his own life. So, from that time on, I have always tried to follow those "feelings" or "promptings" when I get them. Here is a post about that.

I pull up and got out. I looked around at the overwhelming mess of stuff wondering what was going on that there would be such weird stuff in boxes and bins. I didn't feel like digging through the boxes and bins and there was stuff everywhere on the ground with only one table. The woman came out with a small girl on her hip and we started talking. She is moving across the country and the house used to belong to another family member, then another and much of their stuff was stored in the garage but now that she is moving, it all needs to go so she had stuff from at least three families as well as she had been married before and had older children and then remarried and has a younger daughter from that marriage as well.

We got to talking and her first husband took his own life. I felt like I should share about the parasites as if the husband took his life and had them, perhaps her kids and family also have them and I wanted her to know that maybe, they had this parasite and that her husband was "compelled" to take his life due to them. I explained that none of this could be proven and that it was just my theory after having been diagnosed with Horsehair Nematomnorpha and that parasite is known to get its host to kill itself, it does raise that question.

Then, I saw a scanner and I have been looking for a specific one that does books and it looked like it could work so I asked her if all the stuff was in the book scanner and she said she didn't know. I thought we could just peek in and see if it was there but she took the entire scanner and out and opened it up.......God is in the details as laying on the scanner bed was a history for her father who died 18 months ago! She seemed to get emotional and took it into the house immediately. It turned out that the scanner was not new enough for what I needed but she also had a bin of old cords for computers and phones so I started digging as I am looking for a Dell laptop computer cord for a back up computer I purchased so I can get rid of my PC.

I found one in the bin and asked her about it and she said, "Oh my gosh, that goes to my work computer, I am so glad you dug through that, it doesn't belong to me!" So, I helped her find the charger to her laptop amongst the mess.

I had been thinking about a week ago that I needed some new large thick plastic tarping as I want to have a large yard sale cleaning out the house while all five girls will be home for a month or two before Princess Five leaves on her mission. She has decided that she would like to follow her sisters and go on a mission for 18 months. That tarping isn't cheap and I got the last long one I had from someone that had their roof done. The clear visqueen plastic sheeting is tough and waterproof and comes in long sheets. I like it as it covers the yardsale if their is rain and then I can just pull it off quickly if it stops and someone comes. I can cover it at night and pull it off in the morning if I want it to go for more than one day. I line up the tables and then the sheeting can tuck under the table or boxes and then the rain doesn't get anything wet. Also, for clothes, I lay them out on the tarping and then if it rains, I just roll the tarp with the clothes on it and unroll it when it stops raining and it is all laid out and ready like the little puzzle keepers do.

I look over and she has a near full box of the stuff. She also has a full bag of smaller sized sheeting. I couldn't believe that I had just had that though not a day before and here she has it! She also had some food storage freeze dried food that was unopened and some sidewalk chalk I thought I would use with the kids when Princess One goes into labor.

While there, I saw a garbage bag slightly open with a little pair of jeans, I asked about them and she said she didn't know as they were from her sister-in-laws son. I asked about buying the entire bag as Princess One is having another boy and needs clothes for her older son. She told me to just take what I wanted and pay her what I wanted. I found a pair of Ugg boots, a charger for the girls computer that was exactly as the one they have with a little short in it so I tried out the new one and it worked.

I dug down a little in the bag of clothes and saw all little jeans that looked in good condition so I grabbed those along with a Stetson Cowboy hat in the box that was in good shape. Those always sell well online so I looked into my wallet and had only $20. I offered her that and she took it but I told her I felt bad about not having more to offer as I know that bag of clothes was worth something as even at a second hand store, ten pair of jeans at $2 each would be the twenty and that isn't including all the other stuff.

I brought the bag home and explored the bottom and there were some shirts and shorts all in great condition in it as well. I washed up the Ugg boots and let them dry and I am sure one of the girls will be able to use them.

I was headed out the next day to run errands and felt like I should take $10 more dollars over to the woman. I ran back into the house and grabbed a $20 from my bank stash vowing I would replace it later. I went to the store and was walking out as it was closing and remembered I needed to change the $20 for two tens. I went back in and did that and then drove around looking for the yardsale street as I said I don't drive that way and wasn't sure which street it was. I found it and went to the door and when she saw me she said, "I am SO glad you came back, I was telling my mother-in-law about you and I couldn't remember your blog name or didn't have anyway to contact you.

I smiled knowing I had that "feeling" that I needed to take her more money, and the "reminder" to get change" and knew that someone needed me to return to her home. She is moving and I will probably never see her again but we talked a bit more about the parasite and she asked for my blog information saying she was praying that I would come back so she could get the information she felt she needed.

I am grateful that I was able to help her and she was able to help me. God IS in the details and he knows that perhaps she needed to know that maybe it wasn't his fault that he killed himself or maybe she had some guilt there. Perhaps her dad wanted her to have his history / information from the scanner. Maybe she really could use the $30 and maybe I needed to get those great like new little boy clothes for Princess One, and he was answering my thought of wanting more plastic sheeting, or maybe we both just needed to connect with someone in our stressful lives so that we could both know that God does care! That prayers are answered! That "feelings" and "promptings" are real! Whatever the reason, I am grateful that I get to be part of the greater picture!

I hope I always listen when that "Feeling" comes and that others can learn to recognize it so they can help me when I need it as at some point, we are all in that place!

Have a Blessed Day!

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