
Friday, March 30, 2018

Worlds Worst Puzzle - 3D is Time Hog

Princess Five had spring break. As you know if you read my blog, Princess Five and I love to do puzzles together. 

Over Christmas / New Years, she and I did three puzzles and some were SUPER hard. We really enjoy visiting and talking or watching an episode of something while working. 

I found this 3D puzzle at a second hand store a few weeks back for $2. I thought it may be fun for us to do for spring break. She seemed excited when I told her I bought a new puzzle that seemed hard to do. 

The night before she arrived home, I set up the puzzle and worked on the outside of the puzzle on the edges. When I opened the box, there were some pieces in a cluster at the bottom right corner of the puzzle. The cluster looked normal so I stuck the other edges I was working on.

I was super frustrated after an hour when I realized that the cluster was not done right and had to pull that apart to get the edges right.

Every piece of this puzzle is one of two pieces. All the inside pieces of the puzzle are exactly the same. Every piece fits into ever hole and if there wasn't the three D effect, that would work but due to the sheen on the pieces, you can't tell if the piece belongs there or not.

You can see by three of these pictures, that the same piece fits in all the holes and who knows if it belongs in the hole.... I didn't share my frustration with Princess Five. 

When she arrived home, I had been out running errands and she sat down and worked for an hour on the puzzle. I arrived home, and the first thing out of her mouth is "This puzzle is EVIL!" 

She was so upset she got up and told me she wasn't going to work on the puzzle anymore as she got one piece in an hour and it wasn't fun. She said she would much rather do another "marble" puzzle by far! Here is a post to our doing the marble puzzle. 

I sat down and worked on it just a bit and she sat down wanting to spend time with me and after ten minutes, she said she was done. She told me to throw it out. I was willing to work on it with someone but I don't have time in my life to do puzzles, especially when it is hard. 

I pulled the puzzle down and am getting rid of it. I don't want to deal with it not being fun so I purchased a few Japanese puzzles this week to do with Princess Four and Five when they are home from college and Mission. 

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