
Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Oil Pulling MIracle Cure - Finally Made a Video

I have a page on my blog that I share about "oil pulling" oil swishing and I am sure there are a few other names for it. I have used this method for at least 15 years but more I think. 

I have never linked a video about how to do it with the page on my blog and since I have fallen asleep at the computer twice and was nearly drooling this last time, I am headed to bed and it is 7:20 p.m. 

I hope you enjoy the video and suggest that your try this method. I have a friends husband who was stung by a hornets next inside an old tire in the field. They thought he was going to die. The Dr.'s said there wasn't much they could do other than antihistamine type medication and that wasn't working so my friend suggested that they try "oil pulling" to get the toxins out and they all thought it was a miracle when he was fine the next morning.

I also have a friends whos husband had worked at a copper smelter and had awful emphysema and was on many inhalers and they also had reached the end of the line for options as he was on many inhalers etc. She started him on swishing and he worked his way down to one inhaler in an emergency. I share my story on my blog page about this and here is a link to that page.

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