
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Watching the Clouds - Not On My "To Do" list

As you know if you follow my blog, I don't sit well. I never have. I have a father and mother who were always working. If we were watching TV as kids, we were folding socks, laundry, or working on some project. To this day, the ONLY time I sit and do nothing while watching a movie or something, is when I am cuddling with one of my kids or spending time with them. 

Even then, I am usually giving one a pedicure or manicure so I DO NOT sit and do nothing. Even when I used to go to the Dr. often, being pregnant or taking the kids to lessons, I would always have a needlepoint or some other "to do" item in my purse so I wouldn't be idle. 

I don't think I ever saw my mother sitting without having something in her hands to keep busy while visiting or watching something. Even in her older years, she would sort things or label things as she sat. My father and his family NEVER sit still and even when hiking or jeeping, we would get to a spot and two minutes after arriving, they were done and ready to move. We joked as cousins that they could just roll down the windows and say, "There it is, lets go!" 

With that in mind, I have posted how tired I am recently and how many times in the past two months, I have gotten so cold during the day that I get on my heaviest sweats, climb in bed under two down comforters, a heavy bed spread, sheet and turn my mattress pad warmer up to high and just shiver under the blankets for an hour or two until I can get warm. 

For years, I freeze at night and can't sleep until I have gotten warm. I am so tired all the time now that the other day, I was cold and tired and I couldn't help myself but to lie down in the sun on the window seat and try to get warm. 

I was watching the clouds while trying to get warm and I noticed how weird they were moving. At some points, they were moving in four different directions. I live near a mountain where the wind usually only moves in one direction so for me to see all that motion was weird. I think the heat was causing the clouds to dissipate and move but I rarely take the time to "Cloud Watch" in my life so for all I know, it could happen daily. 

I thought I would share it as it was interesting and I really enjoyed my time in the sun. I am trying to catch up on a few posts but it is a hit or miss week for me so hopefully people will be patient as I am trying to get so many things done it is a bit overwhelming at times. 

Have a Blessed Cloud watching day! 

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