
Thursday, April 12, 2018

It's a Puzzling Time - LOVE Being A Grandmother

There is lots going on in my world and I keep just posting what is on my phone as the memory is full but I am so busy with my grandchildren that I haven't posted the bigger stuff. 

I knew it was going to be a crazy week and I am just posting what I can post. I am LOVING being with my grandchildren. I love that they are at the point where they can interact now and I am super good at bringing fun activities that are age appropriate and we are having SO much fun. 

I bought a bunch of 3D Disney puzzles I purchased a few weeks back and as a bonus, there were about another six Disney puzzles in the box. I couldn't have guessed what a hit those puzzles would be even with my 22 month old grandson. 

Grand-Princess One is four now and LOVED when she saw the puzzles and for the first one or two times, I showed her how to look for colors and edges and after that, she took off. They are all about 24 piece puzzles and she has done all of them many times.

When she is doing one, her brother goes and gets one of the baggies, pulls out all the pieces, lays them all out face up and feels so proud and then he gathers them all, places them back into the baggie and goes and gets another. 

He is SO adorable as he brings the filled baggies to me to "zip" so he can go and get another puzzle and is so proud of himself as he "finished" and he claps and says, "Yay!" 

I don't know that life gets much better than grand children and my heart goes out to those who never had that opportunity. We ran to the store the other day for something and walking in, an old woman said to Prince One, "It isn't fair that you got two such beauties and I didn't get any!" 

I am not sure what you can say to something like that but it really brought me sadness. Here I have FIVE BEAUTIFUL girls and love them more than life, and now, I have THREE, (yes, haven't announced that one yet) beautiful and healthy grandchildren! Truly, I am blessed and know it every day! 

I will try to update things as I can but I am fighting a migraine and have pictures on three different cameras and the easiest thing for me is to upload what is on my phone and the videos and pictures of the grandchildren doing puzzles are on my phone so that is what you get! 

It has been an amazing and wonderful week and I am exhausted but hope to fill you in on the big news soon. There is a sneak peak on one of the videos. Enjoy the cuteness of my life! 

I bought a floor dinosaur puzzle today with 48 pieces which is twice what she has been doing and it was large and I did help her a little as we were in a hurry but she got most of it and she has been doing the others all week with no help so I think this girl is going to be a puzzle loving girl! As you know by my blog posts, we love puzzles at our house. I have about 20 posts on puzzles. It is one of my favorite activities to do with my girls as we can visit and talk while doing it. We have had some great talks over puzzles. 

I can see that the tradition will continue with the new generation! 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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