
Friday, April 20, 2018

Princess Four Got a Gift In The Mail Today - Her First Kimono

Not having slept well last night, I woke to a knock at ten a.m. It was a super loud and urgent knock   I rushed to the door and caught the mailman walking back to his truck. I saw him carrying a brown box and I knew immediately what it was. 

A few months back, I posted about Princess Four getting a Kimono as a gift from a sweet woman she met who is just absolutely generous in offering her a Kimono as she had several and didn't have a daughter that would use it so in her kindness, she gave it to Princess Four! Here is a link to that post

Princess Four said she would give her mailing money and I told her to make sure she had enough so the woman wouldn't have to put out any expense to get it to us. She warned me to open and hang it when it came so it could "air out." I wanted to do that for her and had plans of doing that. 

I was so excited to see it in person. I was worried a few day back wondering if it got lost in the mail as I figured it should be here by now. It was a relief to know it made it and I was a bit worried as there were a few holes in the box and I was hoping that it didn't get the Kimono dirty. 

When I opened it, there was no damage and I was super happy about that. I wanted to leave it sealed for Princess Four to open but since the box was damaged and she told me it needed to air out, I opened the box but wanted to share it with her so I went ahead and video taped it so that she could be part of that excitement.

Also, I wanted to share with you the adorable handmade card the woman made for me. The flowers were all cut out and pasted to the card. She used pinking sheers to cut around the edges. She put stickers on the envelope as well. It was just so sweet. I think it is something that princess will cherish forever. It is just so sweet and special.  

I opened it and thought it was so wonderful that she even sent me a Kimono hanger. I loved that she wrapped everything individually and labeled it in English so I could know what part of the kimono I was opening. I was very grateful for that as I was able to put them where they go in my mind. 

She wrote me in the note that she was writing me a longer letter but it wasn't included in the package so I am hoping it comes along soon so I can know how to take care of it. I opened it all up and laid it out on the couch and then went in and searched the internet and on youtube for over an hour and can you believe that I couldn't find a video in any format or even a blog or written description on how to hang up the Kimono on the Kimono hanger!?! What I kept finding was how to display it on the wall for display. 

I was really stumped about that. I am guessing if I could get onto the Asian side of youtube, they probably have thousands of them but I couldn't find even a one. I was super frustrated about it so I am a bit nervous to pull the Kimono out and put it up one the hanger for a few reasons. If I take it out before Princess Four gets home then she won't know how to put it back and store it. 

Secondly, if I take it out and hang it up wrong, it may end up wrinkling more than if I just leave it in the packaging. So, I finally just ended up wrapping them all back up and laying them out on a spare bed and wrote to Princess Four asking what she would like me to do with it. I am wondering if perhaps she can get a video of someone hanging theirs so I can know how to hang it. She has moved from the area of the woman who gave it to her so she would need to find someone in her new area that would be willing to show her so hopefully she can find someone. 

I still feel so grateful to people in Japan for taking such good care of my girl. She truly has felt so much love from the people there. Yesterday, I got a letter from her mission president saying what a wonderful job she has done as a missionary. I believe that is true as I know how she is and what she represents. 

I am so excited for her to be coming home. I hope you have a Blessed Day!

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