
Monday, April 23, 2018

A Reminder From My Mother That I am a LOVELY Star - Rainbow And All

This past week, I was shopping at a store, I was just up to the register and when I started sticking my things on the counter at the register, the clerk started singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." I stopped in my tracks, looked at him and asked, "Why are you singing that song?" He said, I don't know. He is a tall black man, very large in stature, and around my age. He didn't seem the type to be singing show tunes. lol I know the man as we visit when I shop and we joke back and forth but I would have bet money he wouldn't come out singing that song EVER! 

When he started singing that song, I thought of my mother, which if you read my blog, you know that she sang me that song each night at bedtime when tucking me in. We sang it at her funeral and I feel like I see rainbows or hear that song when she is trying to communicate with me. Here is a blog post where I found an audio recording of her singing that song so I posted about it on my youtube channel.

So, when he started singing, I thought of my mother, realized it is April and that it must be around the anniversary of her death. Anyone that knows me well, knows I am SUPER good at remembering spaces and maps and that I am HORRIBLE with dates. My best friend is the opposite and gets very frustrated with me and one year I totally forgot her birthday and was actually visiting her and totally forgot! I can tell you where anything is on a map and how to get to the castle on Zelda from 30 years ago but I cant remember my siblings birthdates and phone numbers, anniversaries etc.

When the clerk sang that song, it really got my attention and knew it had to be around my mothers death date. I have her funeral program hanging on my "board" at home so I got home and saw that it was within a day of the anniversary of her death. People may think it awful that I don't remember dates well but unless it is tied to something else, I just never have been good with them. I also had so much stress in my life that year, didn't sleep for the entire week cleaning out her estate and planning the funeral and decorating for it, I just really didn't remember exactly.

So, I felt like she was sending me a message as the man started singing it when I got the register and not while I was in line. The song hadn't been playing over the station at the store and he was singing against the radio station that the store had playing so it was really weird that he would start singing that song just then.

Flash forward to this past Saturday night......

I was in a bathroom at a college seeing my Princess Five in her last improve performance and in the bathroom as I was heading out at 11 p.m. I was in there alone as we stayed after to visit etc. I had a long drive home so I wanted to use the restroom before driving. I got to the door of the bathroom to leave, and I felt my mother tell me "You missed my note."  I haven't felt my mother like that but once since the week of her death and it was while I was spending weeks sorting her history stuff. It was weird to actually "feel" her there.... 

With that thought, I walked back into the bathroom and there on the handicapped sink counter was this sweet note with a rainbow on it. I don't know who wrote it, but I felt it was for me. I hadn't realized until then, that it was two years ago that very day that we buried her. She was letting me know she is still around....

She was always writing little notes. Here is a blog post about the one I found taking the sheets off the bed just after she left my home two weeks before her death. It was the last time I saw her alive and it was the last thing she wrote me..... I sure love and miss my mother and as a mother myself, I know I would do anything I could from the "other side" to let my girls know I think of them.... You can search in the box at the bottom of the page typing in "Rainbow" and see many of the times I felt my mother around or saw rainbows etc. 

As I wrote in that linked blog post..... I am BLESSED to have had such an amazing mother until I was nearly 50! God has been good to me as I am Blessed with a amazing Father and Step Mother who is as amazing as any mother! When you throw in my amazing children..... and now grand-children...... I often wonder how one person can be so Blessed to have so many truly GOOD people in their world!!!! 

I hope you are as Blessed!

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