
Thursday, April 19, 2018

My First Youtube "Friend" - Nuggetnoggin - Some Suggestions for Bugs, Charities and Crafts For Relics

I have been so frustrated lately with the choices on Netflix. Their prices keep going up and they flood the front screens with their own shows. The "Star" rating system is NOT representative of people rating the shows, basically, they rate the show for you on how much THEY think you would like the show. Of course they will rate everyone as loving THEIR shows!

Over the past year or two, I have found that the shows have grown HORRIFIC with obscenities in language and actions. I think I may have posted before about how in the first few minutes of several shows, there was total nudity and over and over I would stop watching and then when looking at what I viewed, all the shows were stopped on the nudity so when my kids would get online, they would see the nudity. My daughter finally told me to move the little watch timer OFF the nudity and then it wouldn't show that image forever. 

With that, I have basically stopped watching and am thinking of getting rid of  my subscription. I have posted in the past that I enjoy listening to something while I work in the yard and house. I used to listen to cassettes and cds of audio books but it got so much easier to just turn on my phone to Netflix and it would follow me wherever I went so I could listen continually even when working in a new area, as before, I would have to take the boom box with me from room to room. 

Since the Netflix owners have chosen to take many of the shows that were clean and entertaining off, and put more of their smutty stuff on, I have started this past few months to watch youtube videos. I have never watched someone's channel or subscribed to channels and would basically watch short videos of Ellen snippets, "America's got talent," or "The Voice" audition clips while my pictures or videos loaded while working on my emails etc. 

I am not sure how I found the channel of "Nuggetnoggin" but it started playing automatically at some point and I really enjoyed the young boy who was searching with his dad and grandfather for treasures using a metal detector. 

He reminds me of "The Crocodile Hunter" with his great enthusiasm and innocence about life. He is a Christian and used to read a bible verse at the end of each video but now he puts up a scripture at the beginning and / or end of his videos and some even have a pertinent scripture in the video. He is respectful of the places he digs taking out his trash. His language is clean and enjoyable even with his southern "aint" and "seen" tenses being mixed. I laughed many times watching as in his earlier videos as his grandfather will be video taping and will be focusing on a bug or the sky and make funny comments about how excited "nuggetnoggin" is about finding a nickel and taking 20 minutes to dig it. 

His grandfather gave his the name "nuggetnoggin" as he always had finding a gold nugget on his mind, thus, nuggets in his noggin. It is just so adorable. Now that he is older, he probably doesn't appreciate that old women are finding him adorable but he is just such a good kid / now man. He hasn't changed who he is to fit what other youtube channel detectors are doing or using the foul language that some take on when trying to be cool. He is just a really good young man. Since watching him, other videos will automatically play from other similar channels and I don't keep watching any as they don't hold the same charm and I don't find they are as enjoyable.

With that, I have watched probably most of his videos in the past few weeks and I was having a hard time sleeping one night and my mind wouldn't quit and I came up with some ideas that I wanted to share with him of things he could do with his finds that would help others. He finds so many of the same things and he has started his own company selling detectors but he has a HUGE fan base of children. He was so cute to send one of his younger fans his refurbished first metal detector for his birthday. 

I also noticed he is always commenting on how bad the mosquitos are and that they are eating him alive and I have that great natural essential oil bug spray that works so well, I wanted to share that with him. Here is a link to that post. I mention that he is in the water finding stuff sometimes more than 8 hours a day in the summer so I share about how to get rid of fungal infections as sometimes when you hands are wet all the time, you can get fungus. I cured my toenail of fungus and this is a link to the post on how I did that.

I then share in my video about several charities that use retired people, homeless people, or mentally challenged or autistic persons to make products. Nuggetnoggin  has a huge following online and his own business so he could sell the items to viewers online giving him a tax deduction and giving people jobs.

I also thought it would be cute if he used some of his relics and made a sign for his booth and business saying "Nuggetnoggin" say the "n" and "u" being old horse shoes. The "g" could be out of old clock gears etc. Wouldn't that be cute!

Anyway, he is always finding relics and rusty antiques so I share in the video I made how he could make the "junk" into something that would be of no work or cost to him but if he partnered with some places that help the homeless and they use grants to start up a business making signs out of old wood, blacksmith nails etc, it really wouldn't cost him anything yet could do some good. I also share ideas of items he could make and give to children in the hospital or foster care out of coins he finds in rivers with notes saying, "A lost penny has as much value as a new penny - What was lost, now is found" or something giving them hope with "In God We Trust" showing on the penny. As you all should know by now, "In God we Trust" is big in my life with finding lost coins. Here is my first post about that and you can search in the box at the bottom of the page for the many posts I have about "In God We Trust" as I have been blessed with many of them over the years.

Anyway, here are many of the items I have in my laundry room and "Western" room in my home that I think they could make and clean up the environment at the same time.

Hopefully, I haven't driven you all to sleep with my rantings but I hope that now that Nuggetnoggin has grown up and is doing well in his career, that maybe he can find the happiness that service and charity can bring into life. He has such an enthusiastic nature about him which is why he is so popular. I think with a little focus, he would be a GREAT motivational speaker for youth groups and I know he could easily get a charity / partnership going with the right organization. I mention three groups using volunteers and homeless people and thus giving them jobs and getting them on their feet to where they can function and move on and then another homeless person can take their spot until they are on their feet. Sometimes, it just takes one person caring to give them a chance. The best part is, there is no cost to set it up other than a few saws and some paint! 

The first organization I mentioned is "Tiny Tim Toys" and their average age of Volunteer is over 80 years old. They make little cars out of old pallets and give them to kids in the hospital and send them overseas to disaster victims etc. Here is a link to their page. 

The second organization is "Pine Street Inn" and they have a business where they teach homeless to cater. icater is the name of the catering company and they are quite successful helping the homeless get on their feet. I have a friend I met at Mitt Romney's Governors inauguration in Boston who is involved with this program. Here is a link to their website. 

Another such program is "The Empowerment Plan" which was started by a young girl who thought of a way to make a coat turn into a sleeping bag to help the homeless and they hire homeless and teach them to sew and give them jobs working on the coats. Here is a link to their site.

The last group I thought of was "Disabled Veterans" as I know they have workshops where they make things. I personally have no link to this but have bought items in the past assembled by Disabled Vets. I found this site online that does exactly what I am suggesting can be done using the old trash found by Nuggetnoggin. They make wood products until the vets are in a place where they can get back to working a regular job or get some self esteem that they have value etc. Here is a link to that organization. It is called Vetmade Products. 

Hopefully one or more "Detector" groupies can get together and start donating their stuff they find to a group that already exists and wouldn't it be fun if they got good at making signs using the trash and relics. The could make custom signs for cabins and things out of all that trash! There are just so many options and really, most are at no cost! 

I hope you all have a VERY Blessed Day! 

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