
Friday, April 13, 2018

I am Happily Exhausted.... New Grandson

I really want to post a great blog with pictures and video but I have been working super hard this week cooking, cleaning, getting up with the grandchildren in the night and EARLY mornings and then blogging and getting to bed earlier than normal most nights but I am not used to running all day for 15 hours or more a day. 

Just today, I was up with the kids about 6, but the two year old has been cutting his two year molars most of the week and has been crying at night most nights through the night and finally we dosed him with some infant Tylenol which has allowed me a bit more sleep. I washed the couch covers and returned them. Washed four loads of laundry, dried and put away. Cleaned out a few drawers. Cleaned out the freezer and fridge. Washed the grill of a heating wall unit in the spare room. Vacuumed the entire house removing some wall heat face plates and getting in those, as in the kitchen, food gets in them where the kids sit. 

I took both, the not quite 2 year old, and 4 year old, to the grocery store, another store, and McDonalds playland, fed them all three meals and cleaned up all three meals and then made two casseroles to freeze for them for later. I scrubbed the sink and tub again as I am leaving and want it clean when I leave and other small things I hope were helpful.

I also got to hug, burp and cuddle the baby, change a few diapers and play with two of the CUTEST grandchildren in the world! 

Everywhere I went with the kids the past two days, we found money. I took one on a walk to a nearby store in the stroller and found the quarter. Grand-Princess found the penny at the grocery store and I found the other today at the same store. She found the dime upon getting out at the grocery store today as well and the nickel was on the table at McDonalds today. 

I think Heavenly Father is reminding me to trust in Him to take care of Princess Ones family and not to worry as I leave. I have done what I could to make their life easier by cleaning and leaving a full fridge and freezer, organized drawers with clean clothes and a clean house. Not that the house was bad, but you probably all remember what it is like when a new baby is coming to a home with children. It is what it is and you get what you can done and have to take care of what needs doing..... 

My feet hurt so much I want to cry and it is nearly 1 a.m. I am going to miss everyone so much when I leave but there is a reason you have children when you are young! I am so happily exhausted! 

What a great blessing I have in my children and grand-children. I am so Blessed! 

I hope you are as well! 

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