
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Last Improv Show For Princess Five and Getting Ready to Graduate

I had a fun activity this past week. I still feel like I am behind on what I need to do but I told Princess Five that if she was going to be in any more improve nights, I wanted to go so she had better tell me. 

I missed one performance as she jumped in last minute and I ran into a friend that said she saw a cute performance with her son and my daughter from the improve the night before....

I had no idea what she was talking about as Princess Five hadn't told me she was going to be in a show. 

I texted her and she told me she filled in for someone that was sick and didn't think I would want to come. I let her know that I wanted to see her whenever and wherever I can! I asked her to please let me know when she was going to be in her next show. 

I didn't let her know that I contacted Princess Two and asked her to come down and help me with a project and also so she could go and support Princess Five at her last show. It was hard to keep it from her as Princess Two was at my house for the entire weekend but we were able to surprise her at the show.

I LOVED the look on her face when she came out and saw her sister with me in the audience. It was super fun to surprise her! 

We really enjoyed her in the show and it was such fun to see the smile on her face as she always lights up when she gets on stage. She really just belongs on stage..... It seems to be the one place where she is truly happy! 

As has become tradition after a performance, I picked up some sushi and peeled a few fresh mangos and we enjoyed a wonderful meal after the show..... 

The reason it is her last show,
is that she is graduating early in a year verses the two year as she had so many college credits upon high school so she is graduating this year.

I am going to miss her on stage at the college but I am sure that it isn't the last time I will see her perform! 

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