
Friday, March 2, 2018

Short and To The Point - Princess Four In Western Japan

As you can see by her email below, Princess Four is keeping super busy in Japan. It looks like someone has done lots of work this week on the "Western Night" which I am sure we will hear about next week. I sent her a detailed email of things I needed answered and below is her reply to that email. I thought it was cute that she is fine taking less stuff to college as of all my girls, she likes her comforts. Having served for over a year out of two suitcases makes you reevaluate all that "stuff" so that was cute. Below are her emails.

"I'll try to send a big email later! But today was crazy... our appointment of cookie making turned SUPER long due to the oven cooking at the rate of an easy bake... 

Also, is it ok to tell "my boss" to put me to work the Monday I get back? About housing, anything is good! About the college, I think I had too much stuff at college before, so I want to use less stuff! So a nice small shelf should be good! Walmart or a second hand shelf sounds perfect! Princess Three emailed about a ton of scholarship and college stuff... I'll ask my president about getting on today. I'm sure its fine! About my fall last week, I'm not sore at all! God is good! Don't worry. I'll stay healthy as I want to use all the time I have left! I really want to be better at missionary work... I still am just a child! My bean is honestly at about the same level as me in Japanese! I just get so sleepy during church and study. So we will work on that! Love You!!

Hello! Sooooooo due to the church oven taking forever, and watching an American doing Japanese archery, I have no time to email!!!!! I love you!!!!" 

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