
Thursday, March 1, 2018

Proof The Slime Acts As A Petri Dish For Parasites - Horsehair Nematomorpha Human Case

I was pondering about a week ago how I could prove one way or another that the slime I made and posted about a few weeks back was actually working as a petri dish for the parasites I have.

Clearly, the slime I made back then had burrow type holes in it but I couldn't say for sure that it wasn't some type of chemical reaction or something causing air bubbles etc. Even though I tapped out all the air bubbles, I thought perhaps some had come to the surface causing the burrow type marks on the slime.

While falling asleep one night, I just had the thought come to me to make more of the slime in a new container and never touch the slime. If it was a chemical reaction, the new slime would also have the burrow holes and trail marks in it and bubble marks on the top as well. 

I purchased a small flat glass dish more like a petri dish and made more of the same slime using the exact ingredients I used for the last batch so nothing differed other than me touching the slime. 

I left it for two full days and there isn't one trail or mark / air bubble in the slime in any way! I kept it covered as I did the other jar of slime because I didn't want anything in the air to contaminate it and the other jar was covered as well so I put it in a baggie and sealed it. 

One weird thing with the older slime was that it is getting a liquid film around it. It is similar to the type of liquid you get if you let digestive enzymes get into your baby food, it turns watery. I think maybe the parasites are releasing an enzyme when they eat the mixture as a petri dish causing it to liquefy. It will be interesting to watch and see how it does with more time. 

NO trail marks of any kind in the new slime. I think I will give it another full day and then maybe tomorrow night, I will play with the slime for 20 minutes and then put it back in the container for a few days and see if the trails appear in the "clean" slime after I touch it. 

I think this experiment has clearly shown that something is going on. I hope that science will soon begin to examine this and we can find a test and cure soon! 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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