
Monday, March 5, 2018

Cutest Singer Around - New Generation of Rock Star

If you don't read my blog, I understand, even my girls many times just look at the pictures. If you skip this cute video, you will be missing something adorable. 

My girls and I go camping to the lake every year with my siblings thanks to my father and his wife paying for the site and scheduling it out. I have to say, this little nephew is one of the sweetest children I have ever met. 

One night he came into our trailer saying that the other cousins his age didn't let him play a game with them and asked if he could visit in our trailer for awhile. We were just listening to Princess Three rock her ukulele and the rest were singing along. 

He asked if he could sing with the girls. They went through the play book and asked him if he knew any of the songs. I hate to admit, I can't tell you what the name of the song is, but I know I have heard it, but it really didn't matter what song it was.... He sang his sweet little heart out! 

It was so sweet that as I have been cleaning off SD cards and cleaning out the back up drives, I found this and had to share it. It is so sweet and adorable. 

Then he asked if he could play her ukulele and she was kind to allow him to play it for a minute and the smiles he shared are adorable. 

Sometimes it doesn't take much to miss an opportunity, we could have easily changed what we were doing to do something we thought he may like better or go out and find more of the cousins around his age but in allowing him to just join in our mellow moment, we got a diamond. He gets a bit louder and more confident towards the end of the video.... 

I hope you enjoy it as much as we did. 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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