
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

I Need Some Help Finding The Artist In Hamilton New Zealand

I am having another headache day or two and my sleep schedule is so messed up due to it so rather than getting nothing done, I sorted through pictures again and found even more that needed sorting and deleted over 23,000 duplicates of files and pictures. I really wish when I had copied over back up files from the old, old computer to my old lap top that I had done it then but things have just escalated with many back ups of all the old computers, I am still not done cleaning out all the files. 

I was glad I was able to have Princess Two clean out her files of pictures that she doesn't want or weren't the best to begin with and am planning on having the other girls sort through their files as well so I am not continuing to restore bad files with ones that have been cleaned out as I did with Princess Two a few months back. I guess she had cleaned out her files and then there were so many multiple copies and back ups that I restored the deleted photos accidently and she had to take the time to pull out all the bad ones again last week. 

I hope I can do that with all the files and once it is organized, I can make a back up drive of the cleaned and organized pictures, journals and their school files without storing things that they don't want. I am just grateful it is all digital for the past 10 or so years so I don't have bins of papers and pictures to sort for that time. I still have lots of bins but  figure once I get this done, it will be easier to maintain it in an organized manner as I start including new scans or movies I will be transferring to digital soon. 

There is so much to keep me busy but at least I am getting something done while suffering with the headaches this week. 

While sorting through the pictures, I found a few of this cute little picture in my mom's estate stuff. I don't remember it hanging most of my life but I think I vaguely remember it at some point in our home. It was left after everyone had pulled out what they wanted and when I read the back of it, I was excited that it was painted and given to her in New Zealand. I lived in N.Z. as an exchanged student my Jr. year in high school so I asked if I could keep it since it pertained to N.Z. It is funny that if something was attached to her Beauty Queen years, it seems to have more value to the family that the other items as she had SO much stuff, it was hard to determine what to keep. 

I tried to see if there was any indication on the painting of the artist and couldn't find one and couldn't find any indication on the back where he wrote a little note to my mother. She was touring the south islands and stopped in New Zealand in Hamilton for the LDS temple dedication there in 1957 / 1958. She took many slides of that time but when we sorted through those, I don't know if she took a picture with the person or not because we only scanned the pictures with her in them as she took thousands of pictures and slides and we had to prioritize with that. 

I don't know if anyone will be able to help me find the artist but I figured I have much more of a chance putting it on youtube and my blog as people are good to help if they can. 

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give me with this. I am working on her history and I would love to include the name of the artist with this painting in her history. 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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