
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

A Hospital Visit For Princess Four and Link to Parkinsons Disease

Princess Four has been very tired recently falling asleep every time she sits. So, on her way to her new area, she stopped at the hospital for some blood work.

They think she has sleep apnea or may have an issue with Orthostatic Dysfunction that many girls her age have in Japan and gave her some medication for it. I looked up "Orthostatic Dysfunction" as they called it in Japan on her paperwork, wondering if it was the same as Orthostatic hypotension and this is what the internet had to say about the matter:

"Orthostatic hypotension occurs when your blood pressure drops significantly as you stand up. This can cause lightheadedness, fainting, and heart palpitations. Injury to nerves from conditions like diabetes and Parkinson’s disease can cause episodes of orthostatic hypotension due to autonomic dysfunction."  

This is so weird.... "Parkinsons" disease can cause episodes of this and Sleep Apnea like I shared on one of my update videos this month about the parasite, all of the symptoms of Parkinson's are symptoms of the parasite I have. I will post that video here so you can view it if you haven't had a chance. I start talking about Parkinson symptoms at about 20:30 mark. I believe eventually they will find a link between the horsehair nematomorpha parasite and Parkinsonian diagnosed illnesses.

Hopefully my Japanese Princess will have a bit more energy as I thought she may be anemic. She will be home soon and I pray we can sort it out quickly, whatever the cause may be. 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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