
Monday, March 12, 2018

Free Kimono For One Happy Princess Four

HARRO!!! You are so BEAUTIFUL! You are Perfect! You can do anything!!! I hope you are all genki!!! This week has been absolutely nuts!!!!!!!! LETS JUMP IN!!!

Because I'm so stoked. I just have to tell you what is, in fact, better than receiving free kimonos. It all begins with a Konnichiha. You might remember Yuka san. We met her on the 10th of January. Long story short.

Skip to this Monday. We went out with her to our favorite restaurant Bistare Bistare.(We may have met one of the Nepali men on the street on Splits, and went out to Bistare 2 times this week, but you know.) We were in Bistare, and made friends with the American and his Japanese wife who makes Jewelry. Yuka san just asked so many deep questions, and made a comment about Laman and Lemuel being not so nice... That means that she has been reading!! We didn't even ask her to. She just is choosing to. We asked her to read pamphlets, and a little bit of the Book of Mormon, but she is just all over it!

Cut to us walking to her house to hopefully meet her, but we have never successfully done that due to her busy work schedule. We walk up, and she screams. Literally screams, and scares the bejibies out of me because I didn't see her. We chat for a while, and she confirms that she is coming to the concert. Cut to the concert. She walks in, and we just freak out over everything. We are so similar it is scary.

My beautiful companion and I are a little out of control, but just add Yuka san who is a middle aged Japanese version of us, and things get nuts! She was crying during the concert, and said that she could feel Gods love. She felt the spirit, and mention that Brink Shimai and I were just glowing, so she also saw the light of Christ. IT WAS SO AMAZING!!! So many people befriended her. And, one of the ward members made a video of our western night, so we watched it together. After we watched it we asked if she would come to church. She said YES!!! She came to the last hour of church. BEST SACRAMENT MEETING OF MY LIFE!!!

We were so happy the whole time! They used a lot of.  Words she didn't know. Like salvation, and temple, and baptisms for the dead, but she said that doing proxy work for ancestors is very similar to Buddhism beliefs, so that was cool! And we just were able to explain a lot of things to her. Shout out to my Beautiful Bean for noticing our investigators needs. We really do learn at church!  

So... sorry I'm bad at making things short.... but I just love Yuka!!! The reason I started this huge story with free kimonos is because..... We got free kimonos from our beloved Nishino shimai! She is the bishops wife who lets us talk and sing at her class on the rare occasion!

We love her so much, and the feeling is mutual because she gave both of us one of her kimonos. Kimonos are a pretty big deal here. It's kinda like giving a foreign missionary your grandmothers silver and china. You just don't do it usually. They usually have meaning. Mine is pink, and perfect, and is for older, usually married women. It was from her cousin!

My companions has a deeper meaning. It is from her 20th birthday. That is when you become an adult, and you all wear kimonos, and take pictures. It's crazy. But she said since she is older, and can't go to America she wanted us to take them to America for her. IS THAT NOT THE CUTEST THING!!! Usually kimonos are long and have to be brought up, but my companion is so tall, it fits her like a glove. It was so cute. IJUST LOVE THIS WARD AND AREA SO MUCH!!!! 

This is probably my last week in Suehiro due to this being my 4th transfer here. I really don't want to transfer, and I might not, but I've been here for about 6 months..... Yep. Good thing I trust in God, and know he knows better than I do! I have learned a lot about the importance of Faith and Love. I have the best bean in the whole world. She teaches me daily. I Love the members here, and I am grateful that this is just a see you later! We have all of eternity to wear kimonos and eat sushi! 

This week consisted of going to teach English at Sister Nishinos class, and singing Jambalaya one last time, and doing hoedown throwdown. Doing splits with Sister Kumazaki. Lots of concert practice. Eikaiwa was nuts. Shout out Watanabe san bringing her husband. They are adorable! We went and saw a blue frozen waterfall today. Sang at the concert even though my comp got sick the day of. Gods power is real. He knows all of us. Love is so powerful. Christ and his Atonement can, and will help us change for the better. Always choose to repent! 

Post Concert.
We love the ward! 
We should be kimono models! 

The Nishino Bishop!
Nishino SHIMAI!!!! I LOVE HER!!!!!!
The Waterfall!
We went to a shrine! It was closed, but it worked out! 

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