
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Using Citrus Peels To Take Detox and Waxy Film Removal Baths

I shared with you a few weeks back that someone posted on my blog a few years back about using whole citrus fruit to detox the body of parasites.

I shared that I tried it doing but found that but it upset my stomach and I didn't see any results on it killing parasites off so I used some of the mix for a bath additive and LOVED it as I felt so clean after as the citrus helped get the waxy film off my skin. Here is a link to that post. 

If you read my blog, you know I don't waste things and my mind is always thinking on "how can I improve" on this or that. I eat lots of mandarin oranges and use lemons and limes in cooking, dressings etc. I thought to myself, "I should use those citrus peels to make that bath that I liked so much rather than using fresh fruit...." 

I then started saving all my citrus peels. I don't like using the dehydrator to dry just peels. I live in a dry state so I wondered how they would do just leaving them on the counter. If you have a furnace, you can put a paper towel over the vent in a dry unused room overnight and let them dry that way or if you have a gas oven, just put them on a cookie sheet and let the pilot light warmth dry them for a few days. When I have gathered for a few days and when they are all really dry, I put them in a coffee grinder and grind them into a fine powder. 

Once they are ground and dried, I store them in an airtight container so they are ready to use. When you are ready to take a bath, Pour in about 1/2 cup of the fine powder along with a few tablespoons of ground ginger and about1/4 cup MSM granules along with about 1/4 cup "Real Salt" which is similar to Himalayan salt as it is mined from deep in the earth and has lots of minerals in it.

I mixed some up for Princess Five to take a hot bath tonight as she came home sick. I should have taken a picture of the water as it looks a little orange but it smells heavenly as the tub fills.

I LOVED the feeling of how clean I was after taking the bath. I always take a shower after and use a scrubber on my soaked skin taking off as much dead skin as I can. I also, dip my head in the bath right at the beginning so that the citrus takes the oil and film off my scalp as well.  

You may need to experiment with the amounts of each item that you put into the bath as tub sizes differ. If you have a larger tub, you may want to double the amounts. It is so funny how my mind works. Just now I am thinking, I wonder if you could use lemon juice from the bottle as well so it has "juice" in it as well as just the peels? lol So funny how I do..... If you have some old citrus, instead of throwing it out, put it all in a blender and make it into a really fine creamy mix and freeze in ice cube trays and then you can throw those in the bath as well. Oh my silly mind..... 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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