
Friday, March 9, 2018

The Hoe Down In Japan - Princess Four

Konnichiha! Genki? Look at all these beautiful people! Still beautiful as ever! So. Last week. Due to us baking cookies in a church oven that doesn't work very well, and watching our American friend Tim do Japanese Archery...... We had no time to email, but I'll just highlight the miracles that God is allowing me to see here every day! I have learned recently through zone conference that everything is given to us by God. We are so worthless, but He loves us more than anything! And, that is where our worth comes in. We can't earn or make or gain anything. It all comes from God! 

We were able to give Tim a Book of Mormon! He told his  senseis(teachers) that we were coming and they did a special ceremony for us. It was so cool seeing these people be so passionate about what they do. Kinda like missionaries and teaching the Gospel! 

YUKA SAN! Yesterday we were in ward..... what is the English word......... um.... Mission Leader Council? No that's not it..... ummmm we were taking to our ward mission leader about the work, and yuka san called. She set up an appointment with US! We are teaching her tonight after eating at our favorite curry and nan restaurant. We gave the 3 workers each a Nepali Book of Mormon! We tried to mark them with our favorite verses, but turns out they have different number systems.... we figured it out, but we really hope they read them! Shout out at Bone Shimai figuring out the numbers! 

We had zone conference, then splits, then I had Mission Leadership Council, then we had splits again...... so. My bean is awesome and wet on splits 3 days in a row. WE were exhausted, and our futons have never felt comfier..... but we were pretty wiped out! I learned about how important it is not just to work, but to work effectively. I also learned how important it is to stay focused and become consecrated in the work. I love this work. I don't ever want to go back! 


I just love church, and the gospel, and Jesus Christ, and the Sacrament. Something I learned this week, is that anyone can change. I also learned that Weaknesses and Sins are not the same thing. We don't need to repent for our weaknesses. God Will make us strong through our weakness, but we can become clean and forgiven through repenting of our sins. If you feel like you're not good enough, go take some vitamins, and remember God loves you more than you can imagine! We are imperfect, but Christ was perfect, and we can be perfected through him! 
Pictures: We are on a bridge.


  1. Hello, i've looked at 3 of your videos about the parasites. I really liked your approach and commom sense on the topic. I came up with a simple idea.
    If the parasites have a lifecycle inside you (grow... Reproduce.. die) several times for years...
    If you expell them and also get them through the skin or other ways...
    If you can get them to react to some chemicals (pepper, rosemary, hydrogen peroxide, etc)...
    Maybe you can guide them through some kind of path with a bait (a food they like). You can get them attracted to your digestive system. So they will get in (however they can) but they will be getting out (though the stool) on a faster rate. What if they like fat: thyroid gland, brain, nervous system (myelin), even the insects have fat in them. What if you can eat a lot of fat to attract them, i know that the exess fat (not able to digest) would be released through the stool. If you are afraid of eating to much fat look at inuits diets or look at dr tim noakes. Also you can get a good reliable input on the rate of excretions (just visually examining the feces would be enough).
    Maybe there's something even more tasty for the worm. But for me the rate of expelling vs incoporating them is crucial.
    Just my 2 cents.
    I really hope you can find the cure, our medical system is very corrupted/screwed.

    1. Hi Sebastian,
      I like your thinking. I am processing and trying to think how that would / could work. There are a few issues as I ponder on it as most of the stuff I take orally repels them out of the gut. I would need to find something they like that draws them in.... I have driven them out of the gut many times and actually can drive them all to my feet by rubbing rosemary oil on my body at the top, then a bit lower 1/2 later and a little lower 1/2 later etc getting them down into the legs but it is painful as they all move and burrow together and there isn't any point of doing that if I can't draw them out or kill them in the legs.

      I did the soaks when I would get them into the limbs to kill them off but it is super painful so I stopped that a long time ago but I do believe it kept them down in numbers.

      On fats, I have no gallbladder and I have liver issue that I believe were caused by the antiparasite meds so my eyes are yellow and my liver area hurts if I eat many fats. I can't do things like eggs, mayo, much red meat and no coconut. It goes right through me so no luck with that plan. I do like the idea behind it though. I was interested in what they like in the "slime" I made and wonder if they were just drawn out by the moisture or if there was something IN the mixture that attracted them out! I don't think I want to eat laundry soap or glue but do think exploring that may yield some interesting things.

      I want to thank you for taking the time to suggest what you did. I am willing to try things and have tried many, many things people have suggested and also have to be careful that it is something I would use on my kids. If it could harm anyone, I don't want that option. I do believe there is a cure out there but it needs to be scientific enough that it can help everyone. I appreciate that you shared that I have approached it with good sense. I am really trying to make it understandable to everyone without going to the fringe side as it scares people off and sometimes even scares me. lol

      Thanks again and I hope you have a Blessed Day!

  2. You could still make the ketogenic (fat) diet without gallbladder.
    Have a look at this short video:
    Thank you for your prompt reply.
    Have a nice day!

    1. I have spent about an hour watching videos on this. It is interesting. I basically took away that I need to take ox bile to try and eat those fatty foods. I am going to get some and see if it helps. I haven't been able to eat many fats at all and with the yellowing eyes, I am hoping that the Ox bile may help that as well. Thank you for taking the time to share this information with us. I will have to let you know if the bile helps. I appreciate you! Have a Blessed Day!
