
Tuesday, March 6, 2018

It Was A Dark Day - Sleeping Through an Entire Day

I have only done this once or twice in my entire life and I can't believe I did it today. It was kind of scary.

I have shared with you in the past that I don't like going to bed with dishes in the sink. It has just been something that I have always cared about. Growing up, we always had dishes in the sink having 8 kids in the home, it seemed like when you finished them someone had used a dish before you put down the dish towel.

You can always tell when I am sick as I don't care if the dishes are done. I started feeling sick a few days ago but it really hit hard Saturday night. I lost my voice and started with aches and sore throat.

I had an event for Princess Five Sunday and had to go out of town to support her. I was happy to do it and actually felt a little better during the day and LOVED getting to visit her. By the time I arrived back in town I wasn't feeling very good. I was SO grateful that I had blogged an extra post on Friday as I was working on the computer. 

I wanted to get to bed at seven and actually sent the girls a message telling them I was headed to bed at 7 p.m. as I was so tired. I do this so they won't call and wake me as if I wake up, I can't go back to sleep. Princess Four in Japan was online and we were trying to figure out some college registration problems so I messaged the girls at ten telling them I was just "joking" about going to bed early but I was glad that I was able to help Princess Four get some things figured out. 

I climbed in bed about ten and totally freaked out when I woke up and it was dark and it said it was 7. It took me a few minutes to realize that I missed an entire day! I have to say I woke over and over in the night and would just spray some colloidal silver and put some "thieves oil" in my sore throat to numb it but would go back to sleep. 

I really must have been tired and not feeling all that great to sleep so many hours. I messaged the girls when I woke and Princess One messaged back that she had just put her kids to bed. ;-) 

I woke up, ate, did the dishes, took lots of vitamins, GSE, juice, and am blogging and then I am headed back to bed. I am swollen, tired and my throat still hurts. I hope I feel better tomorrow. It was so weird to skip a day but hopefully all this sleep will help me heal! 

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