
Monday, January 22, 2018

My Christmas Angel - Pipe Cleaner Crafts

 I have lots of colored pipe cleaners and over the years, we have used them to keep the kids entertained.

When driving in the car to Disney, I took packages and would have the kids doing contests such as "Who can make the best zoo animal?" or, "Who can make the best car?" or piece of food.

I would have little treats for the winner and smaller treats for everyone. I wondered when I went to visit the grandchildren if they were too small to appreciate them but Grand-Princess One and I got them out and made  a few things. She would tell me what to make and I would make it.

She loved this little bee and flower I made for her.  She looks so cute in this picture and I think that the tree almost looks like wings coming out the sides of her in the picture. She is so beautiful!

The other thing I wanted to post is this cute video of her "whistling." She saw someone whistling using their fingers and they made the noise so she stuck her fingers in her mouth and mimics the whistling noise. I think it is so adorable I had to share it with you! 

I was cleaning off the sd cards and I wanted to post these as they are so cute and if I didn't do it now, you would miss it.

Have a Blessed Day!

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