
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

If You Are Happy And You Know It - Princess Four in Japan

Good afternoon to all of you beautiful souls! Did you know that one of our mission's mottos is saving souls? Because that's a new thing!

We had Zone Conference this week! It was probably good.... but I spent most of it worrying about my workshop that the assistants asked me to prepare with less than 24 hours of preparation.....................

BUT, I think it worked out. I just kind of talked about following the spirit, and had them put together puzzles resembling how we might not know why we do things when the spirit tells us, but, eventually we can see the big picture. And then on the back, I wrote a secret message! And how sometimes we might not even be able to see what becomes of our following the spirit! Luckily the assigns topic was about following the spirit, because I love the spirit! DAIJI DESU NE! Good learning experience! 

This weeks miracles! 

Splits! Sister Wat and I! I learned so much! God is so good! My bean, sister Brinker, and her companion were able to find a FAMILY! All because my bean followed the spirit! I AM SO PROUD OF HER! 

We met with YUKA! Oh it was awesome! I messed up the time. I thought she said 10, but turns out it was for 12... and then I felt really bad and embarrassed, but through the help of prayer, and Christ, and my beautiful companion, we were able to get rid of those feelings and turn the day around! Yuka san accepted a Book of Mormon, promised to pray, and then prayed at the end of our very first lesson! She is just like Sister Brinker and I! We really can see her being baptized! Pray for Yuka! 

Noa, our only baptismal date, self dropped last Monday... But she wasn't ready, and wasn't even in our area, so we know it is for the best! One day when she is older, I think she'll try again. At least I pray she does! And we will see her at church activities so it works out! 

This week I have made so many mistakes. And I'm not meaning sins, just like honest mistakes. Like putting too much money in the fare thing on the bus, or forgetting the key on splits, or messing up the place and time of our appointment. They were not very bad things, but I felt sad and embarrassed by them still. But when I turned to the Lord for comfort, he was there! All of my mistakes worked out in the end.

Last transfer Suda shimai didn't have enough money on the bus, so she underplayed so I just made up for that. And 3 angel members brought me our key from another area on their way to eikaiwa, and my comp and I were able to teach Yuka, and go streeting, and have comp study due to the fact that I messed up our appointment time. God is just so good. He is in all the smallest details of our lives! We are all not perfect, but thankfully God is! I love God! And know He knows each one of us by name. If you ever feel like you can't pray........ Pray until you do feel like you can pray! Put your pride aside. That's the way to find happiness! 

Well. There's lots more good stuff, but those are just some highlights of the week! Love you ALL! And so do Jesus Christ, and our Heavenly Father! 


Oh I almost forgot. I have lived in Japan for a year! So we celebrated with some good ole American dogs! 

Bistare Bistare on splits! 

Wako chan! Who came to church this week! Love her! 

My Baby's bean shower! So much LOVE! She is the only bean in our zone which means lots of presents!!!

If you look closely, there is a man shoveling snow off of his roof. A daily occurrence here in Hokkaido! Namely Asahikawa! 

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