
Friday, January 19, 2018

Freezing Pomegranates - Super Easy and Quick

I have been sharing the past few days about pomegranates and have a few more things to share as I have learned some things over the years that have made it easier for me dealing with pomegranates. 

I shared yesterday how to peel the pomegranates quickly without mess and get out all the pithy little white skins etc. I have a video on youtube about this as well as my post yesterday. I HIGHLY recommend that you watch that and use that method as it makes it so much easier and keeps your fingers from getting stained pink and makes things go so much more quickly. 

Once you have the pomegranate peeled and seeded, basically you can just wash the seeds and then strain them. The dryer the seeds, the better it works. If they are really wet, they can freeze into a seed ball and it is hard to get the seeds individually if you want to use them for a parfait or over crepes or waffles etc. 

If you are going to use them in a smoothie, then it really doesn't matter that you drain them. I suggest straining them for a few minutes and if you really want them individually frozen, you can dry them on paper towels for a few minutes so the water evaporates off and then they will dry very separate and be wonderful for the situations I mentioned. 

I like them in smaller baggies as that way if they do freeze onto each other, I can just put the smaller baggie into a larger baggie and whack it on the counter and they will break apart and if you put a smaller amount into a larger baggie and freeze it laid out on a cookie sheet, they will freeze individually but already in the baggie. Once you have them frozen this way, you can then put all the baggies into a larger container to protect them in the freezer and this will help them last longer but still be individual seeds.

I wish I had learned about freezing them many years ago. I didn't learn that until I got a large amount from our local food bank a few years ago. They were wonderful frozen and now that I know, I can get them in season and enjoy them for months afterwards! 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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