
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

More Snow and Cookies in Japan - Princess Four

こんいちはみなさん!!元気?you are all looking BEAUTIFUL this morning! It's just because you are びじん!!!ね!So lets just start with miracles already because there are lots! 

Wednesday - The day we contacted I think 25 people meaningfully on this day. We had an old lady yell at us from the top of a HUGE snow pile with like only one eye, and she called me onesan which is like. Older sister kind of. And she knew we were missionaries and asked us to hand her a shovel, then told us she wasn't interested in the gospel ,but thanked us. So that was quite the adventure.

Then we told a couple about the Book of Mormon, and they were like yeah! Then as t he conversation progressed they just liked backed into their house and kept xing their arms. And were no longer interested in talking to us! Then we met Yuka! And got her number! And she set up an appointment with us for Wednesday. This is so rare people! We have high hopes for her! We also met a Protestant family. Which is also rare. And they listened. Not super interested, but I think we will go back! They are so close to the whole truth! I love it! They gave us candy!
Then, we kept finding, and met a girl who had met the missionaries before! She said she wanted to learn about Jesus! Turns out later in the week she unfriended us on the chat app LINE. But Hey, in the moment it was a huge miracle! She had a Book of Mormon, and she read one of our pamphlets! So I'm just assuming her mom unfriended us, and that girl will find the church some day! Nice! Then the same day my bean is walking behind me, and says Konnichiha. I didn't see anybody, but turns out there was a man walking behind us. After some nice chatting he found out who we were, and told us he has met the ELDERS! What! AND HE HAD PICTURES! WHAT! So we took a picture of us with his picture of our current Elders. YOU GO CHOUROU! So fun! Good stuff! And then we were walking this same day, and we see an old lady fall into a snow pile kind of far ahead of us. I had mentioned how the lady looked Like Sasaki shimai. A woman we had read the Book of Mormon with that day before finding. LO and behold. It was Sasaki shimai! But she was ok! Gods timing is sooooo perfect!!! 

OH, Things my bean has said. Lehi's Ame. She meant to say Yume. Which is dream. instead. She said lehi's candy. Because Ame means candy. So that was the cutest prayer! She also gave her first talk yesterday... so Proud!!! 

We have made lots of appointments with members recently so that has been interesting! They liked us! They really like us! I hope they will invite their friends to have messages with us to! President Gay has really been changing things up for the Asia north AREA! WAHOOO! 

God is so good. Yesterday I was feeling a little down. But God sent me 2 Nephi 1:15

"15 But behold, the Lord hath redeemed my soul from hell; I have beheld his glory, and I am encircled about eternally in the arms of his love."

God sent me a hug through the scriptures! How cute is that! What a good dad! I love my Heavenly Father! Remember God made you special, and He loves you very much! AND I LOVE YOU TOO!

The man, and the elders. Lol.
This is just a light snow from the walk from the apartment to the church. Yay! 
We love giving people heart attacks! Thank you Yuu chan! Love you Noa chan! Please be baptized!
We made the ward Facebook page due to our cookies! Yay! 

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