
Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The Weirdness That is My Life - Pomegranate For the Liver

If you follow my blog, you will know that sometimes I have super weird things happen in my life and they seem unbelievable. I myself probably wouldn't believe some of the crazy things if they weren't happening to me.

Over the Christmas holiday, we were making our usual holiday foods and one of those foods is a salad called "Dixie Salad" (see that post here) with pomegranate and pecans. Princess Three had her boyfriend over for the first time to our home so we could meet him. She told me he liked pomegranates so I figured when he asked what he could do to help (loved that about him by the way) I thought peeling the pomegranate would be a good thing for him to do.

While he was peeling the pomegranate, I had the strongest feeling that I needed to save the peels. I have never heard of anyone ever using the peels, eating the peels, anything with the peels so I was a bit uncomfortable telling her boyfriend that I wanted to save the peels as I wasn't sure what I would be doing with them but I just told him I wanted to try drying them and see how it worked or something. I still felt a bit weird about it but I just took them all and put them into a glass bowl and stuck them into the fridge until the holiday was over and I was alone and had time to put them onto the dehydrator after returning home. 

I still didn't know what I was going to do with them once I got them dried but dehydrated them, and once dried, ground them into powder and put it in a jar and labeled it. It sat on the counter like that for over a week. 

Last week, I shared that I worked on organizing all our backup drive pictures and it took me a good week of long hours to get it all sorted and organized. When I am doing a binge work like that, I usually have something playing in the background to keep my mind busy but not something that is so interesting that I get distracted and stop what I am doing to watch it so I usually find a "B" movie or show I can listen to while I work just to have something keeping me awake while I work but not so distracting. 

I picked some weird apocalypse show that showed up as a suggestion on Netflix. I have never heard of the show "The Messengers" but it wasn't a "Netflix" show which often has vulgar language and nudity along with most of them having graphic lesbian love scenes as I think men will tolerate watching that but not gay men love scenes so nearly every Netflix show I try to watch ends up with me turning it off after an episode or two either for massive use of the "f bomb" or graphic nude love scenes. And, it seems, I can't find a show that isn't graphic made by Netflix so I try not to watch anything produced by them.

With that, I picked this show about "end times" as at least they had the bible in it. I could tell right away that the acting wasn't great and I think some of their interpretations of the bible are different than what I believe but at least it wasn't graphic so I tolerated the acting and just listened as I worked on my pictures.

Imagine my surprise when in the middle of episode 8 of 13, that out of nowhere, one of the characters is in a store getting some groceries and he picks up a bottle of pomegranate juice and a stranger comes up to the man and tells him "pomegranate clears the liver and detoxifies!"  

I thought that was so weird that in a tv show, someone would throw that in, it seemed so out of place.... I thought, "hey, that is maybe why I needed to keep the pomegranate peels." 

So, I am still binge watching while I am sorting the pictures, I get through all 13 episodes of "The Messengers" and think I needed another "B" show to watch while I kept working. So, "Wynonna Earp" is suggested in one of the rows of suggestions and my mother knew the original actor that played Wyatt Earp so I thought I would give that show a try.... Basically, it is a bad copycat of "Supernatural" with limited actors and a "Texas Ranger" theme however the special effects are really good.

Like I said, I wasn't really into watching something that was interesting to me so I kept it on as I worked. My mouth dropped open when in show 7 of 13, she said, "Say pomegranate if someone's got a gun on you!" 

I figured something was up as I don't know that I have ever heard that word in a show before and not in two consecutive shows that I would NEVER have watched normally, even shut off if I had started watching them in any normal situation! What surprised me even more, was that they told me in the show it was for the liver! 

I then did some research on it and will share that in another post, but I have to say, I have been making and drinking pomegranate peel tea! I also bought the rest of the pomegranates they had in town and dried those peels and froze the fruit which I will post on later as well. 

I do believe that God loves me and shows me in any way he can, the best way to take care of me and you all know I have yellow eyes and liver issues with all the medications I have been taking for the parasites. Here is a link to the original post. Here is one to a later more current post. Even now, both my eyes are more yellow. It is scary to me but I really don't know what more I can do. Thus, I believe God in His own way was letting me know that I needed pomegranate and pomegranate peel.   

 I also checked at the store to see if they had 100% pomegranate juice at our local stores and was surprised that in our small town, they had lots of juice. They had these larger bottles and quite a few smaller bottles so I think even if I can't get fresh fruit, I can at least get the juice. 

I'll be sharing a bit more about all this the next few days but I had to share why I was sharing about pomegranate. 

Have a Blessed Day!

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