
Monday, January 15, 2018

Cute Picture Frame Made From Car or Bike Tires

A few months ago, I found the cutest thing at a second hand store. I had been looking for a cute idea for a gift for my dad. 

I picked up what I thought was an African frame. It had a fun print on it and it was black so it looked like it was hand carved ebony or something so I picked it up as Princess three served as a service missionary to Africa and has some cute African decorations. I thought it would be cool to print off a picture of her in Africa and give it to her. 

When I looked closer at the picture frame, I realized that it wasn't carved wood but a rubber tire~ When you looked closer, you could see the "psi" pounds per square inch mark on the tire and 40 - 45 lbs.

I thought the thing was so adorable, I purchased the frame and looked for a time when I could get a cute photo of Princess Three and I with our new cars. My dad has always helped us get cars when needed. He test drives them, and knows all the tricks to see if it is burning oil, telling us to drive it in a certain way to get it to blow smoke if there is a problem. He has helped me get almost every car I have ever owned. 

We were driving past a field of grass and both Princess Three and I were there with our new cars so we took a picture of the two of us making a heart in front of our cars. I wanted to have us in front of our cars with more showing more of the cars, but the frame had a set back and the "psi" mark was on the bottom so I had to do a portrait picture to make it work, so I wasn't as happy with the picture as I didn't realize that until later so we were stuck with what we had but I still think it came out cute in the end. 

My dad and brothers weren't sure what it as at first but when they realized it was a tire, they decided that it was a fun gift. I personally think it would be a great income for those in third world countries to make and sell to tourists with a photo of the tourist in it. 

Anyway, I think it was a hit in the end. Yea for finding fun gifts! I have never seen anything like this before and neither had anyone in the family. I think my dad enjoyed it as he showed it around and had a smile on his face. He usually rolls his eyes in his head and tells me how we don't need to get him anything. ;-) 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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