
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Getting Back to Normal - Princess Five Back to School

Princess Five finished up some things today and I finished sewing a few items she needed mended and we ran a few errands topping off the fluids, in her car, getting gas for her drive, picking up groceries and returning a few items before she left to head back to a new semester of college.

We both are feeling a little better but I think I now have a sinus infection / chest congestion. I am struggling with breathing still and am happy to have everyone situated after the holiday so I can focus on getting myself better. I really haven't done much for days but have tried to make it interesting for Princess Five being home without her sisters this week.

We played a few games and we finished our last puzzle last night. I enjoyed visiting with her over a few puzzles as I wasn't feeling well enough to do much else and we both enjoy puzzles but this last one was super hard. I told her I saw a puzzle of just marbles at a second hand store and she said that sounded fun. I thought it sounded nightmareish but bought it the next day so we could work on it while she was home.

We were sad to find out that it was missing two pieces after spending so much time on it but it really isn't about the puzzle, it was just about visiting and spending time together. There really isn't much to do in our small town but a friend did invite us to see "Jumanji" and that was a nice break on our boring puzzle day! We really enjoyed the movie.

I had a friend share this fun New Years Eve activity they do and wish I had thought of it as I would have loved to do this with my girls. Thanks Andrea for sharing your great tradition!

On New Year’s Eve their tradition - reading every entry that has been put into our “Grateful Jar” over the past year. It’s a great way to end the year and start a new one! What a great idea!

Wishing peace and blessings to all in 2018!

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