
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Fun Christmas In Japan - Princess Four's New Companion

MERRY LATE CHRISTMAS TO ALL YOU BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE OUT THERE! Wow. It feels really good to type out Christmas with the word Christ in it. In Japanese it is said Meri Kurisumasu, so we don't even spell the name of Christ. But that doesn't mean we don't talk about him, and let people know the real meaning of Christmas!

SO to kick of this email I think I should start out by letting you all know..... I'M A MOTHER! TO A PERFECT BLONDE HAIRED, GREEN EYED, MUSICAL LOVING, HARP PLAYING, 5 foot 11 inch BEAN CHAN!!! Aka I became a trainer!

Japan, Meet Sister Brinker! Or Winka Brinka as I like to call her. Her real name is just a mouthful, so we just call her sister BURINKA for short! I love her more than words can say. WE LAUGH NONSTOP! Like for example we were walking over a river during a HUGE snow storm, and our faces were hurting so bad from ice chunks flying into them, but we were screaming and laughing the whole way. It was her first white Christmas. Good times. 

I had to say goodbye to me BELOVED SHIAMI! But she went senior companion, and moved out of her first area, and I have NO worries about her at all!!! But I will miss her, and her humor, and her English , and her dendo fire, and her Japanese! But such is the transfer life! 

Wow. So much has happened in this week and a half! Also said goodbye to my first bean, the mission presidents daughter who became my comp for 3 days. She is going off to college! Any near by college friends please take care of her! 

But also.. Miracles of the week! 

We had a beautiful mission Christmas devotional. There were musical numbers. I had a lot of solos due to being a sister, and a native English speaker, but guess what happened. I got my bean, and that same night realized she is a singing POWERHOUSE! So I decided that she could sing half of my solo because she new the song.

Well let me tell you. SHE WAS SO GOOD! We had no practice, and I gave her the harder, more impressive solo, and ah. I just wish you could have heard it! She will be in MoTab some day. And that was like a day after getting off the plane, and she had not a ton of sleep, and man. You can just believe the miracles we are seeing are unbelievable! Ummm... yes. I love my companion. My little snow plow with her tall boots. She might have fallen through a huge snow pile today. Bless her heart! 

So first day miracle. We were pinging and steering. I told her to point at a place on the map ,and then through the scriptures we receive a little more direction on where to go. Her first door was a member of Sokaggakai... don't know how to explain that.... but.. a really interesting popular religion. So that was fun.

And she tried saying "I like your hat" to another woman, but said, "I like this place." Basho and Boshi.. tricky stuff! But after all that we talked to a man. Long story short, we are gong back after the holidays to teach his family. He has a lesson one pamphlet, and he ran inside to grab his coat, because he wanted to give us a ride home. We of course said no #obedienceistheprice, but it was so sweet. Also we placed a Book of Mormon on her first day! So many miracles! So much faith! 

Then, her second day, we passed by a young man doing Yuki kaki. AKA snow shoveling. NEXT TO NOBODY lets us help them, but when we asked he said yes! It wasn't even his house. He was doing service to his boss. Long story short. Got his number. He asked if we had boyfriends. He has a Book of Mormon. He gave us sprite. The owners came out and spoke in English to us because they used to come to our Eikaiwa, the gave us cookies, and the next day the wife said hi to us from her car in a different neighborhood, and yes. That is how our lives have been going. IT is TOO Much fun! We really laugh all the time! 

Cute things my bean has done: 
Not know how to work our fancy toilet.
Tried to put her ticket into the coin slot on the bus.
Falling into the snow to make snow angels.
Saying she looks "Russian" every time she sees her bundled up reflection. 
Making food and doing Japanese things for the first time.
I could go on forever!      

There are so many other fun things. I am so beyond happy. We also made a new baptismal date with Noa chan. Please pray for her, and her parents to give her permission to receive baptism!  The ward is too cute. 

They gave us SOOO many presents! And they are feeding us every day for the week during the ever so crazy New Years! I'm so excited! Skyping my fam, and Brinker Shimas fam was a party! Singing all the time with my comp is a party. Getting so many cards from my home ward was a party! I love the second ward SOOOO much! Good things are happening here folks. The snow here is CRAZY! So cold, but so fun! 


My two beans!
Bye bye Kacie!
My baby's first Curry!
What a day! Her positive thoughts for the day, and the amount of people we contacted! What a good first day!
Our cookies from snow shoveling.
We got not one, but two cakes... 
Our whole ward! Thanks for the gifts!
I love my fam.
Yuki Yama. AKA snow mountains. These don't give the real life ones justice. 

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