
Thursday, January 4, 2018

Snow Every DAY and Still Happy In Japan - Princess Four

Princess Four's day to email everyone has jumped a day and she is so busy she is writing less but due to this, I have this email shortly after the other with the holidays etc.

I installed her mission in Japan onto my weather map and can keep track of her weather and knowing she is cold, I am sad to report nothing but SNOW in her future every day this week! Enjoy her latest letter!

"Hello to all of you B-E-A-UTIFUL People! 

So. Due to the fact that it is New Years here, and I guess that makes dendoing not as productive/possibly dangerous (I'm not really sure of the reasons), BUT! All I do know, is that WE HAVE BEEN FED EVERY DAY THIS WEEK BY MEMBERS AND I LOVE THEM, AND WHY Are THEY SO NICE, AND yeah. I am pretty darn happy.

Life will become a little bit more happy when we can contact all of the people who said we can visit after New Years is over, because then they can come unto Christ, and feel of his love, and be baptized, and take steps on the happiest path ever created! You know just your typical life stuff. 

So this week. We have really visited so many members. I have been to at least 3 houses I've never visited before. 

We started a Book of Mormon 80 day study plan that I HIGHLY recommend you follow. If you want to. You have agency. But, also if you don't do it for the fact that I am doing it and it will help us feel connected (shout out to my siblings and mom and actually everybody). Do it for the fact that you will receive So much knowledge, and other blessings too. Refer back to this last general conference for those promised blessings. I feel like everybody talked about that!

Even our beloved. President Thomas S. Monsen, who I heard passed away, spoke about the Book of Mormon in his last address. I love that. And him. And the savior. And know that we can come closer to our Lord through this book. So yes. I'll attach a picture of the schedule. Please pick something to focus on. I am focusing on prayer and faith. And let me tell you. It has already helped me, and it's only day 3... 

Ummmmm. Yes. We had a cleaning day, and a BoM day, but the BoM day was spent at meetings and members houses. So party.

We got new futons!

We taught our investigator Aoki san, and she is really improving well. I hope she can see the importance of faith and trusting in God! 

Fun fact of the day:

The calendar that my mom sent me, that everybody at home gets from the local mortuary that they give out at tithing settlement, you know what I'm taking about? Anywho. A member in my ward's picture is in the calendar, so I about flipped out. Enjoy Minamide shimais picture. So yeah. Party! 

Really. So good. Life is fun. Members are great. The church is true! Happy new year! 

Pictures: We sang at an eikaiwa students house, and she gave us this. My companion is holding a potato.
The island I am serving on in rice. I love Hokkaido!
The calendar! She is the cutest!
What we ate. Including shrimp brains.
We found this random US State shirt. So rare! 
Reading chart!" 

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