
Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year - Low Key New Years Eve

Howdy Friends, 
This is going to be short and to the point. I spoke at church today about Princess Fours  mission in Japan and how she is doing. I was feeling better than I have in days but faded fast after church. Princess Five wasn't feeling well and took a long nap. I tried napping but felt a bit feverish. I guess in feeling better, I wasn't as valiant on the stuff to help me get well and relapsed some. 

Princess five just heated up some corn heating bags and is curling up to sleep as she had them on her most of the day and did take a long nap and rested the better part of the day. I had made homemade turkey soup last night feeling better so we were super happy to have that for dinner tonight as both of us weren't feeling so hot. I started this puzzle last night after making the soup and this was what it looked like last night.

I have my heating mattress cover on high, am taking all sorts of stuff as I am feeling a bit feverish again and am regretting not keeping up on all the stuff that made me feel better yesterday and this morning. 

We worked a little on a puzzle today and I painted Princess Fives toes to look cute to head back to college tomorrow. Actually, I started them two days ago and just painted them today as I did the pedicure part the other night. We really have gotten nothing done in about four days. 

I am SUPER concerned that I have been having a hard time catching my breath as I know my lung damage has gotten worse over the past few months as the burning due to burrowing parasites from my heart to my lung has gotten so much worse.

You can tell how well I feel by my dishes in the sink. I never got to bed with dishes in the sink as a rule. We have last night coco mugs and all of todays dishes in the sink and I am headed to bed. This is what the puzzle looks like today. Not much to show for a nearly full day. We just didn't have anything in us today.

I pray we can figure something out soon as this is all VERY scary. I hope the new year brings good news on the health front as we left this year not feeling so great! 

I am grateful Princess Four is doing well and want to share on her call over Christmas from Japan, but I have so little energy this past week and will wait until I feel better! 

Have a Blessed New Years DAY!

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