
Friday, January 12, 2018

Grandma and the Macarena - Picture Sort

I am not sure what just happened but my entire post deleted and it is nearly 5 a.m. and I am soooo close to finishing my sorting! I will make this re-post short so I can hopefully do that in the next hour or so. 

Last night, I had a thought about the recycle bin on my computer. I thought if I needed to go in and find anything, it would take hours as I have LOTS of stuff on there from this sort. 

Today, I got on the computer and realized that I had over 10,000 items in the recycle bin! I was shocked at how many double and in some cases about six copies of the same thing on the computer in different files and spaces. 

It is hard with the blog because at first I just kept all the family pictures and blog pictures in the same files but then we would spend hours looking for specific pictures sorting through pictures of crafts, projects and the like. 

I will empty the recycle bin after I finish this last file of "Photos off the old computer" that I somehow missed while scrolling. I did wonder why 2005 didn't have much compared to the other years and I guess most of the pictures for that year were in this missed file. I will be SO happy to have this organized. 

I just realized that I am not really finished with it because I have skipped the family history pictures and scans and that is still lots of scans. I have shared that my mother was a national beauty queen and we have thousands of pictures and scans of her. She also hoarded slides, pictures, and documents from anyone who would share so we have LOTS. I am grateful that we have them but not so grateful that I still have boxes and bins of stuff to finish organizing and scanning but I know I can get there. 

I found this adorable short clip of my mother doing the Macarena with Princess Five years ago. aren't they adorable!

I am slowing ticking things off my "to do" lists and I know that I have been a blessing to many people throughout this nightmare of pictures as I have gotten lots of "thank you" comments and "likes" from my nephews and nieces whose parents weren't picture takers. In fact, one such nephew just got engaged and I really felt that I needed to get this done now rather than later and I wonder if it is so that he will have some fun pictures to share at the wedding. 

My hands and feet are swollen due to sitting so much but I hope that will pass quickly as I move on to other things next week hopefully. 

I wanted to share a fun picture I found in one of these missed files tonight. My sister is so creative and made this cute costume for my niece. I thought I would share this cuteness with you. It's raining cats and dogs!

I hope you have a BLESSED day and weekend!

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