
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

HAPPY 2000 POSTS DAY - Who Would Have Known

Who would have thought that when I started writing this blog in May 2010 (see that post here) that I would be writing almost every week day for nearly 8 years! My first blog post was about how to prune a fruit tree. I searched for "prune tree" on my blog and had lots of posts come up so I have mentioned it in a few posts, most likely in the fall when dehydrating fruit etc.

I have had people in the past tell me I should "focus" my blog on one thing but I do so many different things and have so many interests that I would go crazy if I had to just write about "pruning" or "dehydrating fruit" or any one topic on anything.

I had another post to write today but knew I was getting close to my 2000 post and when I looked at the stats today, I was so excited to see that todays post is my 2000 post!!!!!!! If someone told me 7 3/4 years ago that I would have written almost nightly for that many years and had enough to post about, I would have told them they were crazy and that no one wants to read about a tired, stressed out single mom. I still believe much of that is true today, but I still can't believe it has been so many years since I started writing this!

I had another wonderful realization today while looking at my stats before writing. I always save my post into a document as a type of journal and write what post number in the title to save the post. I also save the views for each day on my blog just to watch the numbers grow daily over the years. I can tell you that for many years, I wondered why I was writing a blog as I didn't have many views.

I also write down my youtube income daily and record the number of subscribers I have on youtube everyday in my journal. I record the daily views on my blog and write the total views ever so I have four numbers at the beginning of my journal daily.

Today, I realized that I have nearly 2000 subscribers on my youtube channel and will hit that number in a matter of days. I thought it was interesting that I hit 2000 posts the same week I hit 2000 subscribers on my youtube channel.

I also got a wonderful surprise when looking at my ad account for both blog and youtube and I had the largest deposit I have ever had this week! It is nothing to buy a house with, but for me, I was just happy when I would get fifty cents I didn't have. I give gratitude each time I get even a penny on my blog account so to reach over $150 a month awhile back, I was happy as I have been saving to purchase a new camera. I now have enough to do that but need to take the time to research what would work best for me now that I don't have kids at home and will need to do even more videos and pictures by myself with one hand. I would like to get a nice set up where I can edit movies and get functioning sound as all the cameras I have are so old they sound like a fan is blowing as I record.

I NEVER thought I would be writing the blog for this many years. I was so discourage as I didn't, and still don't have a ton of subscribers, but I really think more people are just watching videos these days over reading a blog but I still like the journal feel of the blog over youtube as I don't like putting myself on video.

I am still visiting with the grandchildren and loving it all! I want to thank all of you SO much for sharing in this crazy journey with me. I could never have foreseen how this would affect my life and it has been a great journal for the younger girls to find dates of things that happened in their lives as well as a wonderful place to share favorite stories, recipes and history. Several times my girls have read a post and told me they had never known that about me. The David Bowie Concert in New Zealand was probably not known to anyone in my entire family and extended family, so at times, it has been a way for me to record things that may have been lost otherwise!

I am SO grateful to my friend Sara who blessed me by suggesting I start this. I wasn't a blog reader and still don't read blogs much but would NEVER have started it without her urging so THANK YOU Sara as I give gratitude for you in my life often and I know this blog and my youtube channel have helped many people over the years. I wouldn't have done a youtube channel if I hadn't written the blog first so THANK YOU for that!

My most viewed blog post of all time is one about constipation reflexology points on the feet! I have informed nearly 45,000 people how to use reflex points on the feet for constipation. Wow, there are a lot of constipated people out there. ;-)

My most viewed youtube video is one about healing toenail fungus and I know that I have helped many people there as well. Isn't it wonderful that we live in a time and age where we can find out the answer to any issue and we can also share wonderful ideas and traditions with others! Truly, I marvel at technology and how fast we are moving forward!

I hope we all have a BLESSED Day today on my 2000 Posting day! Thanks to you all for helping me get here!

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