
Monday, December 11, 2017

The Great Pasta Move - Loving The Grandchildren

As you know, I am working on cleaning out my home. I am the only one home and I can't eat much and don't each much with my dietary restrictions.
With that situation, I am trying to get rid of all the food that I can't eat and wouldn't really serve when the girls are home. I have never been a big pasta person and after finding about my gluten issues, I understood why I didn't eat it often. 

I purchased replacement pasta every year for what we ate at the case lot sales and a few years back, bought about 60 lbs of pasta thinking I would just hold onto it for emergency prep reasons. Have Princess Five at school and planning on going on a mission after school, I don't think I am going to have anyone home to eat the food and I don't want to store it anymore as I am thinking of downsizing. 

I asked the girls if they wanted any of the pasta or any item in my closets that have any gluten in them and several of the kids wanted some pasta but only a bag or two so Princess One with her family said they would take anything that the others didn't want.

I had a gallon jar plus several containers of little pasta fish shapes that are about the size of small macaroni but are for soup like "alphabet letters" so I brought her those. I brought her all the sauces that had gluten in them and ended up bringing some canning tools and about 45 pounds of pasta. 

I also filled the car without six metal containers of wheat that are about the size of five gallon buckets. I still had room for her bin of school books including her year books, a bin of "fisher price" toys that she couldn't fit in her car with the kids when she cleaned out all her stuff from my garage and two bins of Christmas presents and our luggage for the weekend. 

I picked up Princess Two on the way to Princess One's home for the weekend. I told Princess One to pick a weekend for me to come visit before Christmas as she is expecting a baby and with two little ones, she didn't want to make the drive.

We made the long drive and arrived just in time to watch the kids for a few hours while Princess One and her husband went to their work Christmas Party. 

I hauled everything into the house and Grand-Prince One is such a helper. He took everyone of the spaghettis out of one of the boxes and moved them to the couch and put them on his sister. I think he figured she could put them on the kitchen counter. Fairly soon, the pile on her was quite heavy. 

Just about then their parents arrived home and I got these cute pictures! They were SO much fun. I loved it. 

It felt so good to empty the house of stuff I can't use and also help out Princess One with her food bill. 

I LOVE being at their home. I laughed at the tree as all the ornaments have to be up as the baby has chewed several flat or put his finger through some. 

They have a "Goofy" Christmas hat instead of a star on the tree which was adorable as they have some Disney Christmas lights strung across the fire place. 

Have a Happy and Blessed Day! 

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