
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Missed Hearing From My Japan Missionary Last Week - Deleted Email Princess Four

 I wanted to share an update on Princess Four. She had a rough week last week writing that she was struggling but things were better this week. Part of the issue was she deleted her long email and has been busy so I am grateful to hear that she had a better week! Here is last weeks short email from her followed by this weeks email. Enjoy! 

Hey Beautiful people. I spent a LOT of time writing a beautiful and funny email about my adventure riding a train by myself, and lots of fun spiritual stuff. But. I hit cancel, delete draft on accident. So just know I'm doing well. here are some pictures... Sorry you get a lame email due to my mistake. Remember I love you, Christ loves you, and God loves you. That is worth way more than my email. Have a good week. Choose it. 

Really so sorry I deleted everything... Probably for the best! 

End of Last weeks email. 

This weeks email: 

Hello beautiful people!!! What a week! 

Went on splits with the beautiful Arnold Shimai who goes home 4 days before Christmas! So sad to see her go, but I heard through the grapevine her mom set up a date for her the DAY she gets back. Sasuga. Lol. Love it! Um. But yes. We spent a lot of time at the zoo and doing dendo today, so here you go! My companion is amazing. Really. She is too good. I was feeling selfish of spending more than three hours doing dendo today, but Suda shimai was so willing to sacrifice time. I don't even think it ran through her brain she was giving up time! Wow. I love her, and the elders. They are soooooo great!!! Such hard workers. 

This week we started a FFEP (free family English program))with 10 people present. The one child who wanted to pray asked god to make him rich. That was all. but we see a lot of potential from these three families. God is good!we have really seen success through the new finding requirements. Yay to stopping men! I was thinking in my brain about how nobody here is ever interested in our message. Like when I see southern American missionaries, they seem to have so many people who want to listen about Christ.

I asked/wondered to God why Hokkaido is open if next to nobody wants to let Christ change their lives. I realized that since the area is open that means a there are prepared people. We just have to be diligent in shiffting through those who aren't ready. And if you think about it, I guess it's way easier to just get a no right away than to have them listen and say no, right? But this same day I was thinking this to myself...... it happened... the thing where you ask someone if they will listen to your message about Jesus, And they say YES!!!!! We walked past a male Barber shop, and long story short, we were inside, and he took a BOM, and said we could come back any day after 7! Yay!! I hope he is prepared!  That was some good stuff from the the week! 

We also Caroled at an old folks home. Weird that they are all Buddhist and not Christian... I love my home city! So many elderly Christian people! But we also sang in church. The first time I've ever not been scared while singing a solo. Because it was English! #harkthehearold. But really. I know that God is helping me improve that talent! Ummmmm... oh! Also we were going to watch the devotional, but a woman who had an old baptismal date came to the church after we texted her, and we picked her up as an investigator. We'll be teaching "ffep"
too. I love ffep! But yes. Love you all. Remember to light the world! 

Zoo fun!
And splits! 

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